Here is your Muslim-Friendly Guide to Chicago. If like me you always wanted to add Chicago to your places to visit in the US after watching so many movies you are in for a treat. It is known for its stunning architecture, deep-dish pizza, and beautiful lakefront.v This vibrant city became one of my favourite
city of chicago long ago voted, the city council and mayor approved a settlement with the family based on evidence introduced before the full city council that the shooting recorded on the video was so bad that it was inevitable they would lose a lawsuit. so the facts of this case and what is on the video have been known for some time in the city even if the actual viewing of the video didn t happen until yesterday. following the case very closely as are lots of people. we are going to continue to follow this story here over the next few hours. chris hayes will have that interview tonight with the attorney, officer vandyke s attorney. sits down with germany s leader angela merkel as he tries to galvanize support. we have more on the new revelation about the condition