mobile app. and moving on the lightbulb. yes. and tracy billbroesh, and th name of the company? switch lighting. and what does it do? it is an l.e.d. lightbulb and the lighting industry will go from incandescent to flouorescet to leds and there is a special challenge for the industry to replace the a-lamp and the tra igs d l a edison light bull thab we are most familiar with and we with the liquid thermal management have uniquely created a no compromise replacement for the incandescent lightbulb and you can use this in any fixture because we manage the thermals more effectively and creates the same lighting experience and the same color temperature and the same filtering. yes, we can see it, because
switch lighting. switch lighting. you have this incredible lightbulb which what does it do? it s an l.e.d. lightbulb. the lighting industry will go through a massive transition from incan descent to l.e.d.s. there s been a challenge for the industry to replace the edison lightbulb that we re most familiar with. we ve uniquely created a no compromise replacement. you can use this bulb in any orientation, any fixture, because we manage the thermals with our liquid approach so much more effectively. it creates the exact lighting experience, same color, temperature, same room-filling light. we can see it. we have it in here. looks the same. exactly. in any type of light fixture you put it in you get this
proceeds to make loans to solyndra, beacon, inter 1, $50 billion to g.m. to put together the chrysler volt that doesn t really work at all. this one. this one came out this week. the energy department just gave phelps lighting, one of the biggest corporations in the world $10 million because of their invention of the l.e.d. lightbulb which costs $60, which steven chu said can t afford it anyway. he s incompetent. nice guy. probably a really smart physicist but he shouldn t be secretary of energy. time to get rid of chu. andrea: yesterday, too, he said the administration is doing everything we possibly can. everything you possibly can? really? they blocked the pipeline. all i ve seen them do is go after the oil companies. i have a quiz for the five today. who is making the most money off oil companies? a, shareholder of the company? likely our viewer. b, greg s ferret, captain sparkles. or c, the federal
proceeds to make loans to solyndra, beacon, inter 1, $50 billion to g.m. to put together the chrysler volt that doesn t really work at all. this one. this one came out this week. the energy department just gave phelps lighting, one of the biggest corporations in the world $10 million because of their invention of the l.e.d. lightbulb which costs $60, which steven chu said can t afford it anyway. he s incompetent. nice guy. probably a really smart physicist but he shouldn t be secretary of energy. time to get rid of chu. andrea: yesterday, too, he said the administration is doing everything we possibly can. everything you possibly can? really? they blocked the pipeline. all i ve seen them do is go after the oil companies. i have a quiz for the five today. who is making the most money off oil companies? a, shareholder of the company? likely our viewer. b, greg s ferret, captain sparkles. or c, the federal