New areas have been added to dog leash requirements in Missoula. Almost every area has some sort of leash law, and knowing the law can ensure the safety of dogs and wildlife.
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In a refreshingly heartwarming story earlier this month, the world’s oldest known wild bird has hatched yet another chick. Wisdom the Laysan Albatross is believed to be at least seventy years old, and is nesting in the Midway Atoll national wildlife refuge, a small island in the North Pacific. Wisdom is believed to have hatched the chick sometime in February, but the healthy young bird was only discovered and reported by researchers in early March.
“Each year that Wisdom returns, we learn more about how long seabirds can live and raise chicks,” said Beth Flint, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s supervisory wildlife biologist at the Pacific Remote Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex, in an interview with NPR. “Her return not only inspires bird lovers everywhere, but helps us better understand ho