the san diego padres mascot is called the swinging friar the rockies mascot is called egner, and bernie and his sausage friends. [laughter] that is what makes got gutfeld investigates hard-hitting emmy-winning stuff. you can be family, friendly based mascot. you can also be a guy who takes pictures of his penis and he tweets it. once you do one, you close the door and the other. this was his first tweet. i ve said it before and will again, don t lead with a leap pick, dylan! put them in quite a pickle. stop. [laughter] i did that. [laughter] i ve done a lot worse. his complexion is much more
do mischievous things! they have a problem. the san diego padres mascot is called the singing the rockies mascot is called egner, andy malaki branham or is bernie and his sausage friends. [laughter] that is what makes got fouled investigates hard-hitting and the emmy-winning stuff. you can be family, friendly based mascot. you can also be a guy who takes pictures of his penis and he tweets it. once you do one, you close the door and the other. this was his first tweet. i ve said it before and will again, don t lead with a leap pick, dylan! put them in quite a pickle. stopped. [laughter] i did that. [laughter]