Press release: Senator George Borrello was sworn in as the representative of the 57th State Senate District on Wednesday, Jan. 4. The ceremony took place in the Senate Chamber just prior to the official start of the 2023 Legislative Session. “It is a tremendous privilege to have the opportunity to represent and serve the residents of the 57th Senate District and to continue my
“Congratulations to my friend and colleague Senator Rob Ortt on his re-election as the leader of the New York State Senate Republican Conference. I was proud to nominate him in recognition of his outstanding leadership and tireless dedication to building a safer, stronger and more affordable New York. As a combat veteran and elected official, he has never backed down from a challenge and always goes ‘all in’ for what he believes is right and just.
CASTLETON-ON-HUDSON, NY – Senator Daphne Jordan today joined Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, Assemblyman Jake Ashby and representatives of the National Federation of Independent Business New York Chapter (NFIB New York) for a tour of a local Curtis Lumber location in Rensselaer County. The tour of the lumber facility gave elected officials the opportunity to hear firsthand about the challenges facing our small businesses in the wake of the pandemic and related economic downturn.
“Curtis Lumber is a small business staple in our region and state.