Big, prestigious san jose science fair with about 700 to 900 east side students taking part. With me is the science fair coordinator, heidi strahm black from the east Side Union High school district, and also increasing the brain power in our studio, our students colleen le, as well as tam nguyen, both from oak grove high school. Welcome to the show. Heidi strahm black thank you. Robert lets start a little bit with the origin, as well as the evolution of this contest. Heidi so, in 2001, the International Science fair was going to be in san jose. It had never been in california, and it wasntscience fair wasnt really a thing in california. And so, synopsis started a foundation, synopsis outreach foundation, which supports science fair now throughout the state. But theres sort of a focus on east side and Santa Clara County, and then we actually deliver free science fair boards to at least one school in every county. Robert great opportunity for the students in that area. Now, i know, i wa