and our techno wizardry calculates your car s value and gives you a real offer in seconds we ll come to you pay you on the spot then pick up your car that s it at carvana i m a performing artist. so a healthy diet is one of the most important things. i also feel the same way about my dog. we were feeding her dry, triangle shaped ingredients long as the yellow brick road. we didn t know how bad it was for her until we actually got the good food. we got her the farmer s dog sent in the mail. it was all fresh, when she started eating healthier, she started being more active and smiling more, running more, playing more. i want my dog to have a healthy and long life. the farmer s dog really helps that out. see the benefits of fresh food at we are a nation awash in conspiracy theories. this week, alex jones hit with a nearly $1 billion penalty for spreading disgusting lies about sandy hook families. the election lies that led to the capital riot were, of course
which kind of political combination group is most susceptible to misinformation. they identified a group they called lcc s. these were low conscientious conservatives, and it was they, their research found that this was, it s not that all conservatives it s not that all conservatives are more susceptible than all liberals or all centrists to conspiracy theories, but there was a particular subgroup the researchers found that were, had traits of both impulsiveness and of wanting to disrupt the status quo, being dissatisfied with the status quo, and wanting a disruption, and that group, what seemed to be the most susceptible to disinformation, because they didn t want to question or look for counter information, didn t respond to fact checkers. it starts with a kernel of truth, right? snake oil saloon is a term we all use now, but it s based in the fact that, actually, rattlesnake oil, in ancient chinese medicine, was used to