and first of all, people don t understand the real role of waterways and no way people can get their head around that real level of pollution unless they see it. unless they firsthand see it. yeah. one ronald mcdonald shoe. i think that is on here somewhere. just one? just the one. where is the rest of it, man? it is a gray area. i don t know. we have an apb out of most of ronald mcdonald. we have some of him. in addition to the full-time crew, there is the army of local volunteers. they donate time and energy and make the rest of us look like lazy slugs. are we good? [ cheering and applause ] that s what i m talking about. all right. okay. a little back story on myself. because a lot of you haven t been to a clean-up and don t know who i am. don t know how it started. i group up on the mississippi river.