legally. she clearly was not the law breaking type. she would not have tried to obtain weapons legally. if she had not been able to obtain the weapons legally, they would not have been in the hands of the killer that day. and we would not have had the tragedies that day. he would have killed some people with that gun, but not 26. and vp joe biden said don t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. and you know, we can t prevent every killing in this country. but that doesn t mean we don t have an obligation to try. you know, enact these common sense solutions that we know will be successful in decreasing gun violence in this country. i mean, universal background checks, talking about the nra as an organization, we have to be clear, there is a distinction between who the nra leadership represents and their member and what they think.
like crazy, we ll bring everybody together. it is going to be a tough job and we need the american people behind us. steven barton, one of the lies that the nra and others continue to try to assert is that nothing the president proposed today would have changed what happened at sandy hook. we talk about the tragedy at sandy hook. there were 26 tragedies in the school that day. 26 tragedies, and that is because he got to use the kind of weapon and the kind of ammunition clip that president obama and carolyn mccarthy are trying to make illegal. they re trying to make those unavailable to the kinds of people who go in the schools like that. and his mother bought this stuff legally. she clearly was not the law breaking type. she would not have tried to obtain weapons legally. if she had not been able to obtain the weapons legally, they would not have been in the hands of the killer that day. and we would not have had the tragedies that day.