Since remote working became popular during the epidemic, the number of UK citizens seeking medical attention for the problem has virtually doubled, as per experts, the Daily Mail reported.Acco
Since remote working became popular during the epidemic, the number of UK citizens seeking medical attention for the problem has virtually doubled, as per experts, the Daily Mail reported.Acco
Amid the rise of work from home culture due to the pandemic, remote working has contributed to an increase in porn addiction in the UK, media reports said.Since remote working became popular during the epidemic, the number of UK citizens .
Working from home, a sometimes-fad that has become a full-time lifestyle for many since the pandemic lockdowns, is fueling a worrying rise in porn addiction. The Laurel Centre in London, which treats sex and porn addiction, and is the largest of.
More Britons are seeking help with porn addiction than before the pandemic experts say, with working from home giving those grappling with addiction more chances to indulge their habit.