transcripts means more requests for other transcripts potentially. there s a precedent argument. and then there s this the concern that if you were to stack up the vice president s call with zelensky and the president s call with zelensky, that it wouldn t make the president look good. that potentially it s, you know, not going to be the perfect call that the president said his call was. and that that s concerning. there are those who are for this who say that, look, we don t have a lot of ways to fight back. there s this duluth of testimony that s damaging coming from the hill and this can be one of the ways in which we could push back by showing that the vice president there was no there there in the vice president s call. and people around the vice president think there s this is a way to clear his name. they think this could tarnish him and he does not really answer directly what his knowledge was about this, about the pressure campaign on ukraine. and so there s worry there.
and that s because, you know, there s one of two options. either he was aware that all of this stuff was going on and he didn t say anything or do anything about it, or he was actually a participant in some of it. neither of those things are good for the the vice president. he also has his own political ambitions in the is someone who it s well known that thinks might run for president someday. this is not his last stop on the campaign trail being vice president and so, you know, yet at the same time he is one of president trump s staunchest defenders. but if you look at what he s saying, he s not actually defending the substance, he s, you know, he s asked about was there a pressure, you know, did you see any pressure from the president to investigate his political allies and his response is things like, well, i nef never mentioned the bide tones the president zelensky of
i m wrong, is a cascading effect. people say well, i want to get my version of the events out. maybe it s worth getting ahead of this train. if i m in the white house and i m looking at this saying i need a new game plan because this is simply not working. if you look at the testimony that we re going to see from colonel vindman, joe and mika, today, again at the center of it is ambassador gordon sondland. he s the ambassador to the eu. he has no purview of what was happening in ukraine, but again and again he s seen at the center of this along with rudy giuliani running effectively a shadow foreign policy. and colonel vindman gets into detail about that. gordon sondland, to remind everyone, is a hotel guy who s company gave a million dollars to president trump s inaugural committee so he was appointed ambassador to the eu. he, the hotel guy who gave money to donald trump, run issing a shadow foreign policy and he may have just run president trump into an impeachment. well, he may
have witness after witness, credible witness after witness telling the same story in great detail. we ll get more detail from the colonel today. it trieks strikes me too, kimbe you were going to make the american dream in a laboratory, something republicans on paper would be thrilled about, as a young boy who fled the soviet union came to american, he signed up for the united states military, served overseas, earned a purple heart in iraq, you couldn t find a better ideal of what this country is about. and now they re going to try to go after him? and that s why i wonder, kimberly, f kimberly, fox news say separate entity unto themselves. but as a republican in the house, is mark meadows, lindsey graham, these people who have been spinning for the president, all these months and years now, are they willing to step up and say that that man that we showed right there, colonel vindman, that is he a traitor, that he is
retreat behind the well, i can t comment, i m going to be a juror. that probably sounds ominous to ears in the white house, actually, which would like to have republicans defending the president on substance and there is no defense. i happen to see speaker pelosi on capitol hill yesterday and i ll tell you, she is as determined and as confident as she could possibly be. you recall she didn t want to do this. she didn t want to do impeachment. she feels if t was thrust on he and thrust on the country, that the times have found her and found the house of representatives and laid out its duty and she s going to do that duty. you know, mike barnicle, it s really something that nancy pelosi has all of the mistakes that we republicans made when i was in congress, we d always