Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/HuluNot sure what to watch next? Subscribe to The Daily Beast’s Obsessed See Skip newsletter here and get the latest show and movie recommendations every Tuesday.There are roughly 47,000—oh, wait, a new Netflix Original just dropped; make that 47,001—TV shows and movies coming out each week. At Obsessed, we consider it our social duty to help you see the best and skip the rest.We’ve already got a variety of in-depth, exclusive coverage
Photo Illustration by Kelly Caminero/Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/FX/Hulu/Lionsgate/Warner Bros/A24The Daily Beast’s Obsessed turns a year old this week! To celebrate, we’re looking back at some of our favorite and best content from the last year of covering pop culture.One of the things we take seriously at Obsessed is having you trust us to point you towards the TV shows and movies that are most worth watching. So we asked our staff to put together this list of the best “See” reviews
Photo Illustration by Kelly Caminero / The Daily Beast / Getty / HBO / Apple TV+The Daily Beast’s Obsessed, your favorite destination for all of the most entertaining and informative pop culture content (obviously), is a year old! To celebrate, we asked our staff to think back on the most memorable moments from TV, movies, and celebrity culture from the last year. Behold: the Obsessies!Below you’ll find our version of an award show: an incredibly silly and equally fun list of categories and winn