Students, staff and several veterans came together at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School for a traditional Remembrance Day service on Friday, a day ahead of the official ceremony at Windsor’s Cenotaph.
EASTHAMPTON Counting birds is no spring picnic. The feathery songsters don’t stay put for long in the time it takes to write down “great crested flycatcher” you’ll likely miss two grackles and an oriole. It takes a team.Outside Mass Audubon’s.
LENOX, Mass.— On Sunday, Dec. 18 at 3:30 pm a holiday cabaret will be performed by singer Sherri James Buxton with Bob Shepherd accompanying. The program will feature seasonal.
LENOX, Mass. — The Lenox Library will partner with Mass Audubon to present a two-part program series exploring the survival adaptations of the wintering birds of Berkshire.