Chandra Jayarantne, a former head of Sri Lanka s Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and governance activist has proposed a reforms and taxes for next year s budget as the country is in the grip of severe monetary instability, trade controls and a budget deficit.
By Bellwether
By Bellwether
Friday July 30, 2021 7:28 am
ECONOMYNEXT – Many countries have tried to pick-winners decided by a self-style omniscient politico-bureaucratic elite with fiscal policies to support them but Sri Lanka is taking interventionism to new levels to week out ‘undesirables’ with penal taxes.
Sri Lanka’s fascination with the instruments of compulsion and coercion seems to have no end.
To what extent the rote-learning education system, a centralized syllabus which brainwashes young children with vicious nationalism and discourage critical thinking, make the population susceptible to interventionism and violence is not known.
Picking Winners
Sri Lanka’s central bank in its 2021 report advocated the standard ‘picking winners’ ideology, promoted by all-knowing interventionists who think they know better than businessmen who risk their own money in a venture.