The Bombay High Court on Friday granted bail to Mirza Himayat Baig arrested in 2010 for allegedly being a Lashkar – E - Taiba operative and participating in a terror conspiracy in Nashik.Baig is.
Acting on specific information about presence of a terrorist in Chotigam village of the south Kashmir district, a cordon and search operation was launched in the early hours by security forces
The militant’s body was retrieved from the site, and security forces identified him as Bilal Ahmed Bhat from Chek Cholan, affiliated with the proscribed terror outfit LeT.
Pakistan News: The Balochistan government has suspended 44 government employees, including officers, in Turbat and Kohlu for participating in a protest sit-in and ra
MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said on Friday the request for extraditing Pakistan-based Saeed, along with certain documents, was sent to Islamabad recently.