A motorcyclist hit by a drunk driver has reached a $545,000 settlement. A 72-year-old plaintiff was riding his motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway, when he was struck by a drunk driver. According to the plaintiff’s council, Douglas Maynard, the plaintiff turned left on a green light, when the defendant, driving an SUV, ran a .
fluid and risky. i said that we needed to do more. money market funds remain vulnerable to runs and a sudden deterioration of quality of holdings. we need to move forward with concrete ideas to address the structural risks. we have spent a lot of times reviewing outreach. and there s two serious options that we are looking at. first, float the net asset value. and second, put in place, capital requirements combined with limitations and fees on redemptions. it s hard to miss the cry in the industry against the approaches. but the fact is, investors have been given a false sense of security by money market funds sponsored support and the one time treasury guarantee. funds are still vulnerable to the realty that that single money market fund breaking of the buck, can trigger a destabilized fund. if that happens, the government will not have the tools it had in 2000 and eight p then, treasury was used to stabilize the fund. but the tarp legislation was passed and that option is