Three members of the Cato Township Board are facing a recall attempt in a special election one week from today. Supervisor Larry Gilbert is being challenged by Brandi Clark-Hubbard, Clerk Todd Lincoln is being challenged by Genevieve “Genny” Towne and Trustee Jourdan Lindsey is being challenged by Marcia “Marcy” Myers in a recall election driven in part by the three township board members' votes on a wind energy ordinance last August, among other factors.
Officers of the Franco-American Heritage Center appear to be overstepping the original reason for the creation of this beautiful venue with a name change to Riverfront Performing Arts and Events. This is a slap in the face to the many, many contributors and volunteers who have given time and money to make the center what […]
Last week, I sat down with Suzanne McGettigan and Larry Gilbert, known professionally as McGettigan & Gilbert, who are getting to be a well-known musical duo in the region.Last summer, when I saw Larry and Suzanne playing together at Oak Park, I had a.
The organization said its new identity as Riverfront Performing Arts and Events unites its French Canadian heritage with its "location along the riverfront, and the types of activities we host in our venue."