look, really look at each other not as democrats and republicans and not as members of team red or blue but who we are, fellow americans. fellow human beings worthy of being treated with dignity and respect. i hope this holiday season will drain the poison that has infected our politics and set us against one another. i hope this christmas season marks a fresh start for our nation. and to think i thought i was a semi fascist. who knew? mr. unity has been singing a different tune throughout his presidency calling republicans threats to democracy, comparing them to segregationists and claiming that they hate science. here s a small sample. watch this. donald trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. trump and the extreme maga republicans have made their choice to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate and division. jim crow 2.0 is about two insidious things, voter suppression and election subject vers
Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) has launched its first apps that teach the Haida (X̱aad Kíl) and Tsimshian (Shm’algyack) languages, both of which are considered to be endangered.
but they say all of these things, they come up with these things, they play these silly language games. and there s two problems from this. the first is , you play the language games, but you can t change reality. and the second thing is they re wasting our time. america in the 21st century should be discovering how to populate mars. living underwater cities go completer, you know, get our energy sorted out all sorts. instead, we re spending our time having to be bored by these ignoramuses telling us which words to use to agree . no, because we agree that that it s meaningless. but what it does do is it makes people unsure about what to think and makes them, as a result, fearful to even think on the ideas because it s too dangerous to speak about them. that it s part of it. it s yeah, that s that s right. that is the goal. douglas murray, great job. thank you, sir. appreciate it. now, we are monitoring a situation in minnesota.
things, come up with these things, play these silly language games and there s two problems from this. the first is you can play the language games, but you can t change reality. the second thing is they re wasting our time. america in the 21st century should be discovering how to populate mars, live in under water cities, go completely get our energy sorted out, all sorts of challenges we have. instead we re spending our time having to be bored by these people telling us which words to use and when. we agree it s meaningless. what it does do is makes people unsure about what to think and makes them as a result fearful to even think on the ideas because it s too dangerous to speak about them. that is part of it. it s intended to demoralize us. tammy: that is the goal. thanks, douglas. we re monitoring the situation in minnesota.