Supervisor wiener. Thank you very much madam chair the towing contract expires at the end of this month so the mta has asked us to extend the contract by 8 months until mark of next year before the at a time theyll come to us with a long Term Contract i ask for your support on that extension one change that is an important one in this contract is one that ive cabin furnishing for for quite a few times and i know colleagues you support that is to take a much more fair approach to owners of towed vehicles that have been stolen right now when someone has their car stolen and it is dumped in San Francisco the person has 20 minutes to retrieve the vehicle from the police on site if they dont get there within 20 minutes it is a challenge the vehicle is towed and then the person has a lot of 4 hour window to retrieve the vehicle and after twentyfour hours the storage fees accrues and other fees so as someone that is has been victimized is then effectively victimized again by having to pay hun
Movements in a positive direction which will give the owners of stolen vehicles sixth more time to retrieve their vehicles without having to pay tow fees or reduced so colleagues, i ask for your support and this contract extension thank you. Thank you supervisor wiener for your work on this contract. Supervisor kim. I just wanted to articulate why ill not be supporting in i understand we do need a contractor to provide this type of service over the next 8 months as the mta has rhd out the service but why today two weeks before the contract is set to expire another minimum this should have gone out 8 months ago and so mta knew that that is a 10 year contractor starting in 2005 this should have been done i understand one of the reasons that mta has given the changes in the policies around stolen vehicles they needed additional time for an rfp if it was valid it would have been the appropriate time this one giving the board options whens we have time and also how it impacts the option at
Amount to a value higher than the value of the car so the person simply bans the vehicle the vehicles a awkward to pay off a portion and the owner is responsible for the rest this is an unfair system last year you recall i relayed e held a hearing and had a lengthy discussion what can be done i introduced a resolution which colleagues you passed unanimously calling on the mta to address this issue of towed stolen vehicles when the contract is up for rebuttal and to treat owners of stolen vehicles more fairly i want to give the mta credit for taking the request from this board seriously and coming back with the contract extension for the long Term Contract with a different approach to the owners of towed stolen vehicles specifically the mtas administered through fee of 266 is waved for only san franciscans can be reduced by 50 percent by nonresidents of San Francisco the mta will wave their storage fee that is a daily fee and also the contract towed fee of 228 will be waived for san fra
Immigrants and limited english populations so i really thank the Language Access network and supervisor yee for moving forward thank you supervisor mar and supervisor cohen. Thank you very much supervisor yee and i also want to acknowledge the staff jan leo for the work i was wondering if theres a representative from occ here today. Definitely not ive been supportive of language assess and taking taken a vote in the past my comments are not critical of pretending Language Access but only questions of evaluation of the Pilot Program im curious of the tools to evaluate and who is which entity going to be evaluating the Pilots Program through the chair to sdmooe im going im not sure i have the answers fully backside but ill be interested in the other fact the office of Civic Engagement is one i use often when it comes to interpretation for the neighborhood members of the committee so i know how theyre very stressed in that capacity so im wondering because i didnt hear in committee and the