On Monday, in the morning, at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM attended the National Young Leaders Day and addressed guests.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency received High Commissioner for the United Kingdom, Her Excellency Mrs Victoria Treadell CMG MVO, Consul-General of the United Kingdom in Queensland and the Northern Territory, Ms Joanne Freeman and Economic Development, Trade and Investment Officer, Cook Shire Council, Ms Sha-Lane Gibson.
In the afternoon, at Government House, Her Excellency and Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD received Philanthropist, Dr Carol Colburn Grigor CBE Hon FRSE, Deputy Director-General, Arts Queensland, Ms Kirsten Herring PSM and Regional Manager of Metal Manufactures Electrical, Mr Stuart Crossley.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency received, via teleconference, Mayor, Western Downs Regional Council, Cr Paul McVeigh.
Creativity isn’t something a person can just lock away, not without consequences.After recording an album when she was 25, Lisa Piccirillo had set aside writing music for a decade and a half for all the usual reasons: Other jobs paid the bills. She.
(Self-released, CD, digital) The German poet Berthold Auerbach once wrote that music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. I was reminded.