Building across the street, this is across the street from the project site to give you a sense of scale of other buildings, you can see here theres a 3 story victorian over a garage, so 4 stories, substantially higher than 40 feet. Here is another with 3 stories over a garage. The scale varies and we feel this is an appropriate project for this location. San francisco needs family housing, these are going to be two 3bedroom units and with all respect, commissioners, mraes approve this project because it meets city policies and its a good project. Thank you very much. Thank you. That last picture that you put up, is that directly across the street . Correct. Thank you. Im done, thank you. Im sorry, youll have time to rebut later. Mr. Sanchez, you are up next if youd like to speak. Thank you, scott sanchez, representing the Planning Department and the Planning Commission. The subject property on sanchez feet located with an rh3 Zoning District so allowing 3 dwellings on a lot and has a
Is the zoning map. The subject site is right here, its in an r3 district. You can see it surrounded by this ocher color is zoned 3 family. This is the castro street neighborhood commercial area, Market Street and the muni station is right here. You have Church Street and the Church Street commercial and then dolores park. Its situated in the area thats zoned for 3 families, whats being proposed is 2 families. Heres an aerial photograph that puts it in context and shows the situation. So this is the subject lot right here. Its on sanchez straet and hancock street and its a steeply down sloping site. The neighborhood errs did show you some context photographs. This victorian here is right at the corner of sanchez and hancock and you can see its two large tall victorian floors over a garage. The next neighbor is a one story over a garage, this is the subject site. As you step down the hill again the subject property next neighbor two story over garage and so forth. One story with a setbac
Fare inspector observed an lrv approaching from the in bound direction. With no regard for their own safety they remained on the track way. Fare inspector garisson assisted to assist the patron while the other inspector signaled the lrv to stop with his flashlight. After it was stopped within a safe distance they assisted the patron onto the platform floor and with his cheryl cheer. He requested the incident and requested support for the patron. The patron was transferred to San Francisco General Hospital and rail service continued. Fare inspectors like these were truly heroic and reflect great credit upon themselves and the unit and the sfmta. The agency is proud to recognize them for their actions and i could not be prouder of them. [applause] congratulations. Ms. Garisson, the board and the entire city ask you and mr. Mogabo thank you very much. We know you have family members with you. We would like to meet them. Thank you very much. To first with [inaudible] a hero. We did what we
Board of directors, the Parking Authority commission. Please call the roll. Director brinkman. Present. Director ramos. Present. Director rubke for your information other directors will absent from the meeting. Please be advised that use of sound producing devices are prohibited at the meeting. One maybe asked to leave the room if one off. Cell phones create interference and request theyre in the off position. Is there a motion on the minutes. Motion to approve. Is there a second . Any further discussion. All in favor say aye. Thank you very much. Of the five directors of i know of know. Next item Unfinished Business by the board. None. Okay thank you. None. Next item directors report. None. I think that is my report. Thats right. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Members of the board and public and staff. Were going to start off by recognizing a couple of our employees and i would like them to come forward and tell you about some exceptional inspectors. Good afternoon. Good afternoon ch
Please call the roll. Director brinkman. Present. Director ramos. Present. Director rubke for your information other directors will absent from the meeting. Please be advised that use of sound producing devices are prohibited at the meeting. One maybe asked to leave the room if one off. Cell phones create interference and request theyre in the off position. Is there a motion on the minutes. Motion to approve. Is there a second . Any further discussion. All in favor say aye. Thank you very much. Of the five directors of i know of know. Next item Unfinished Business by the board. None. Okay thank you. None. Next item directors report. None. I think that is my report. Thats right. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Members of the board and public and staff. Were going to start off by recognizing a couple of our employees and i would like them to come forward and tell you about some exceptional inspectors. Good afternoon. Good afternoon chairman nolan, members of the board, director reiskin.