To speak via couple comment are available by calling 4156550001 and entering access code 1461951064. When we reach the item that you want to speak on that we are discussing, press star, three to enter the queue. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating that you have 30 seconds left. Be when your time is up, i will indicate that your time has allotted to speak. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly, and turn down your volume. Id like to call roll now. [roll call] clerk we do expect commissioner moore to join us shortly. She is experiencing some technical difficulties, so hopefully, shell be able to resolve those soon. Commissioners, first on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 1, case number 2020002743d 2020002743drp at 1555 oak street, proposed for continuance to december 3, 2020, item 2, 2019015984 cua, at 590 second avenue, proposed fo
Update on proposition h. Discussion item. The presenter is bridget hicks, senior planner, Planning Department, and bridget, i am going to be passing the controls over to you. Thank you very much. Welcome, bridget. We are absolutely thrilled to having you here. We are looking very much forward to how this will be implemented, so the floor is yours, and after that, well hear from the commissioners if there are any questions, and Public Comment, and then finally, a last round of commissioner comment afterwards. Excellent. All right. Thank you so much. [inaudible] and is expected to pass. The initiative will become effective ten days after the br b board of supervisors certifies the election, which is expected to happen in late december. A conditional use authorization which requires a Planning Commission to an over the counter administrative approval. It eliminates neighborhood notification which have been permitted for land use changes in commercial districted. This seeks to give busines
Gentrified neighborhood. Some are accumulated Property Value in the last decade. Which is enormous. This is a great location to build subsidized photograp ae housing or rent control housing. Consider Corona Heights has Median Income to 150,000 per person, that speaks to how Corona Heights is in great need of more Affordable Housing. The fact that much of it is low density really speaks to neighborhoods history of exclusion which not be totally rectified by this project, its a good step forward. If were going to prioritize Affordable Housing city wide, we need to prioritize Affordable Housing in the backyard. My name is myra. Live in the castro and i walk up 17th street. Im calling to voice my opposition. I happen to know one of the neighbors whos lives will be impacted by this. As i listen to the arguments today, i understand the concern isnt in opposition to Affordable Housing. I believe the concern is it entirely consumes the backyard open space of the existing structure. The propose
To speak via couple comment are available by calling 4156550001 and entering access code 1461951064. When we reach the item that you want to speak on that we are discussing, press star, three to enter the queue. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating that you have 30 seconds left. Be when your time is up, i will indicate that your time has allotted to speak. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly, and turn down your volume. Id like to call roll now. [roll call] clerk we do expect commissioner moore to join us shortly. She is experiencing some technical difficulties, so hopefully, shell be able to resolve those soon. Commissioners, first on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 1, case number 2020002743d 2020002743drp at 1555 oak street, proposed for continuance to december 3, 2020, item 2, 2019015984 cua, at 590 second avenue, proposed fo
4156550001 and entering access code 1461951064. When we reach the item that you want to speak on that we are discussing, press star, three to enter the queue. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating that you have 30 seconds left. Be when your time is up, i will indicate that your time has allotted to speak. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly, and turn down your volume. Id like to call roll now. [roll call] clerk we do expect commissioner moore to join us shortly. She is experiencing some technical difficulties, so hopefully, shell be able to resolve those soon. Commissioners, first on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 1, case number 2020002743d 2020002743drp at 1555 oak street, proposed for continuance to december 3, 2020, item 2, 2019015984 cua, at 590 second avenue, proposed for continuance to december 10, 2020. Items three, 2019