With each mass shooting by a mentally or socially-disturbed “nutter” using an assault weapon, you can bet the farm that liberal politicians will rush to the scene and piously cover the caskets with a pall of pleas for gun control, as if gun ownership is the problem.
Of course, Congress could always preempt all the local legislation by enacting something like Roe into law, but that only raises the prospect of federal abortion statutes swinging back and forth every time Congress changes hands.
The heated abortion debate overshadows the more fundamental issue, which is all about judicial interpretation. While originalists have no need to indulge in “verbal smokescreens,” those who take a more dynamic approach to constitutional interpretation cannot survive without them.
You can abort a fetus, terminate a pregnancy, even “evacuate a pregnancy,” but everybody knows you can’t just kill anyone you wish didn’t exist! Killing a person is homicide. So, is a fetus not a person…?
As we bid them adieu, Ruth, the sleuth, thought Lyudmila looked familiar, and did a quick Google search. Sure enough, we had just been talking to the former Lyudmila Putin, Vladimir’s ex-wife!