gay, bisexual and transgender americans. even if the president had gotten an award from the log cabin republicans, or as he calls it the log cabin group, which may or may not be the name of a doomsday prepper hedge fund, it wouldn t earn him a pass on accountability. he might have to explain why his administration moved to give a green light to government contractors who may want to fire workers because they re gay. the president did receive the endorsement of the log cabin republicans. not an award. the group confirmed that to cnn. the endorsement was last week, not yesterday as the president said. it s easy to lose track of time when you re explaining the lyrics of born this way to vice president pence. it takes a long time to explain that. i don t know. it s a lady gaga song, vice president. if all of this talk of phony awards is starting to sound familiar it s because it was just last week that the would-be grand marshall of the mar-a-lago pride parade repeated his long
that. i don t know. it s a lady gaga song, vice president. if all of this talk of phony awards is starting to sound familiar. last week the marshal of the pride parade said he was named man of the year. in michigan they gave me an award, it was a man in the year in michigan. i was man of the year in michigan, a number of years ago. i was honored five years ago. man of the year in the michigan. that was a great honor for me. in fact, five or six years before i even thought about running for whatever reason, they named me man of the year in michigan. i said, how come? i didn t understand it myself. i was named man of the year. i didn t get it. they just gave it to me. great honor. it s always a great honor. even the fictitious honors, they re the great honors.
best hip-hop songs. abby: these are all very pushing the envelope here, tom. this is one you did not think? yes, what is the one song that the ragtime gals did not perform on the tonight show? abby: i was a sex you out. is almost in the family our. abby: yeah is it right? that s the it was do with you want with my body. it was the lady gaga song. did not sing that song. baby got back. abby: you don t do lady gaga? [laughter] no, maybe sometime. abby: if we get a third we could start our own quartet here. everybody here. abby: i m sorry, no reason to