At Ithaca, Haskins worked for career services, in the library and was an orientation leader. Today, she s a full-time associate designer at finance media and conference company PEI, but works on side projects outside of her 9-to-5: She does freelance photography and recently launched a website, Converge, that serves as a guide for college grads transitioning into the real world.
Her side hustles aren t boosting her income significantly right now Converge is a free resource and her photography generates about $500 a year, which is nice side cash to have, she says, but I m definitely not relying on it.
The Brooklyn resident lives on $50,000 a year her salary at PEI a portion of which goes toward paying off her student loans. That debt isn t stopping her from making the most of her 20s.
Share Start 2021 with books that ll inspire your year with well intentions. By Kate Dwyer January 01, 2021 Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission.
Welcome to
SHAPE s monthly book club, where we round up this month s must-reads across wellness, nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness.
Ancient Babylonians supposedly invented New Year s Resolutions, which means people have been making them for the past 4,000 years. Sure, you could sign up for a new workout plan or take on a reading challenge, but you could also commit to some real soul-searching that might be harder to quantify. For some, the pandemic has offered time and space for dealing with insecurities, embracing flaws, and finding new ways to stay connected to loved ones and many o
Claire Wasserman, founder of the Ladies Get Paid career-development community and author of a forthcoming book, says this book is a good way to reflect on the shifts in social and work culture that have contributed to the burnout epidemic.
Stemming from Petersen s viral BuzzFeed article in 2019, Can t Even examines how millennials reached the current state of burnout due to forces including capitalism and changing labor laws, and how burnout impacts various aspects of living, including how people work, parent and socialize.
Wasserman adds these are crucial themes to consider during the pandemic and beyond.
2. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life
At Ithaca, Haskins worked for career services, in the library and was an orientation leader. Today, she s a full-time associate designer at finance media and conference company PEI, but works on side projects outside of her 9-to-5: She does freelance photography and recently launched a website, Converge, that serves as a guide for college grads transitioning into the real world.
Her side hustles aren t boosting her income significantly right now Converge is a free resource and her photography generates about $500 a year, which is nice side cash to have, she says, but I m definitely not relying on it.
The Brooklyn resident lives on $50,000 a year her salary at PEI a portion of which goes toward paying off her student loans. That debt isn t stopping her from making the most of her 20s.