At Ithaca, Haskins worked for career services, in the library and was an orientation leader. Today, she s a full-time associate designer at finance media and conference company PEI, but works on side projects outside of her 9-to-5: She does freelance photography and recently launched a website, Converge, that serves as a guide for college grads transitioning into the real world.
Her side hustles aren t boosting her income significantly right now Converge is a free resource and her photography generates about $500 a year, which is nice side cash to have, she says, but I m definitely not relying on it.
The Brooklyn resident lives on $50,000 a year her salary at PEI a portion of which goes toward paying off her student loans. That debt isn t stopping her from making the most of her 20s.
At Ithaca, Haskins worked for career services, in the library and was an orientation leader. Today, she s a full-time associate designer at finance media and conference company PEI, but works on side projects outside of her 9-to-5: She does freelance photography and recently launched a website, Converge, that serves as a guide for college grads transitioning into the real world.
Her side hustles aren t boosting her income significantly right now Converge is a free resource and her photography generates about $500 a year, which is nice side cash to have, she says, but I m definitely not relying on it.
The Brooklyn resident lives on $50,000 a year her salary at PEI a portion of which goes toward paying off her student loans. That debt isn t stopping her from making the most of her 20s.