Test. Test. Test. And part of that reason is because of the research that is going on at our National Labs. And im going to, again, ask paul to share with you, just because hes fresh out of seeing some of this and has to do with the Battery Storage. And the progress being made on Battery Storage is really fascinating. And ive always said that Battery Storage is the holy grail. If were able to get to that point where we can use our renewables, solar and wind in particular to power these batteries that have long time storage, and what were finding now is that the the elements that are being used to create some of these batteries are not Rare Earth Minerals and theyre elements that we have right here in the United States, so were going to be in control of our future substantially more on the Battery Storage if you just kind of give them a glimpse of whats going on here and i think thats pretty exciting stuff. So a couple of examples, the complex, r d business, beyond lithium ion batteries
We are delighted youre here today. This committee has jurisdiction over the department of energys vitally important science and Energy Research and development activities. The laboratories and facilities , so i hope we see you more frequently and i look forward to working with you throughout this congress. With the budget season mostly behind us, id like to bring just a few minutes and a few items to your attention. Ill start with the good news which is that despite the administrations best effort to make cuts across the board to deo research and Development Programs most faired well in the house of representatives. Im particularly pleased to see the increases to the budget for arpae and the long Programs Office both of which have yielded truly transformative results for Energy Technologies of all types. Im also quite happy that the house supported a substantial increase in the International Fusion project which i advocated for as well. I went to visit that project a couple years ago,
Search bar. The hearing will come to order. The chairs authorized to declare recess at any time. Let me say good morning and welcome to todays hearing and oversight of the department of research and development enterprise. Welcome mr. Secretary we are delighted that youre here today. As you know this committee has jurisdiction over the department of energy and its a vitally important science in Energy Research and develop activities. The laboratories and facilities i hope much more quickly from now on and i look forward to working with you throughout this congress. With a budget season, i would like to bring just a few minutes and a few items to your attention and ill start with the good news. Which is despite the ministration best effort to make cuts across the board and develop my programs most actually fared well in the house of representatives and particularly pleased to see the increased to the budget for the loan programs office, both of which have yielded transformative results
I am asking a question to the chair if you would agree with my observation. One reason i think statements have been made over there is they never believed we will get past a six year highway reauthorization bill over here. I am going to make it a deal so we can have the vote to take place and get on with the last and final vote so we would have that ready while the house is still in session. Whether individuals are facing themselves in the corner or that is not going to happen i dont know. Isnt it worth a try . That is my question. Let me respond to my colleague from oklahoma and thank him for his bipartisan leadership. You and senator boxer set a standard of bipartisanship when it comes to this issue. You have produced a sixyear authorization bill. Though i may not agree with the particulars thank you for that leadership on your bipartisan bases side. As far as the effort to speed up the senate so we can catch the house colleagues before they leave, i would support it completely but y
It is nothing more than an advertisement for the realtors to sell the mountains off to people that live a broad and are ruining it for the locals. There are lobbyists pushing down in raleigh to get funds for projects to help develop which is actually destroying our state because we dont have any jobs anymore because they were all off short to china. Offshored to china. Guest obviously you have a disagreement with the way that your tax dollars are being spent. That is why we have elections, to elect people that are responsive to the people that they serve. Host scott in maine. An independent caller. Caller back when the stimulus thing was going to rebuild bridges and highways. For this fella that is on right now, wanting to raise taxes another quarter on gas. Gas is cheap right now because of all the fracking and whatnot. People are catching on to fracking. So gas aint going to be cheap forever. That quarter you are talking about is just going to add to the burden of people who already