The meeting, each speaker has up to 3 minutes, i do have one speaker card. Mr. Jim hasz. You may recall several waoex agency after the planning staff made a report to you on the Civic Center Public Realm plan, i made comments regarding the response to the rec and Park Commission for the plaza and other matters relate tog the public realm. I now want the share with you the comment with had list rfr of civic center to give you depth on those issues, in my transmittal letter to the may yo, there are two points you will find in the history, one tha, the Panama International exhibition is largely responsible for the reyeasting of the civic center in city hall, the businessman behind the ppie had no competence in the existing mayor and wanted their own person as mayor, so they ran james wolf who was successful and was elected, he then used the resources of the ppie company to get the planning started for the civic center and talked them into giving a Million Dollars to build the auditorium.
Initiatives and campaigns. That is someone saying this is what matters. This is what i need in my life. So true in business that the urgent drives out the important. When i took way from that is he that it is urgent but not as important as his kids because he may have other opportunities. I really respect the fact that he was going to say this is maybe not the most important thing in my life right now. Thatanie i like the point maybe if more of his political leaders were moving their maybees to washington they could learn to be cordial and work together. David sounds nice. Stephanie i am really nice to people at cocktail parties. Coming up in this hour, we have and its was of interview with the dell ceo. Emily chang will be sitting down with him coming up in 45 minutes. Vonnie it is a record year firm mergers and acquisitions and i got a lot bigger this morning. Western digital has agreed to a 19 billion acquisition. Separately, lab research is buying kla. Both of those Companies Based
Place court eastern san jose. Right off your roof your brain a woad main artery to that will leave be and missile of a Deadly Weapon the assessment and that several people barricaded themselves of that home the man refusing to come out neighbors this day and fed and report any suspicious of activity following the story from the newscast tonight. Pam tonight we are learning the sinclair county Health Department has reached out to the centers for Disease Control prevention of in so many teenagers impala tell taken their own lives fully alive and Gunn High School potto spoke the parent who applauds this study hope theres some strategy for helping deal with and stress how to be more open since midway through her junior year enrolled in the Middle College Program College credits and what is often very stressful time for teen close the smiths say it can lead to quick changes that will save lives if more information about reporter will start soon finish should be completed by early 2016. Pam
Mr. Mccain mr. President , i ask that proceedings under the quorum call be suspended. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Mccain and i ask to address the senate as if in morning business. The presiding officer the senator from arizona. Mr. Mccain mr. President , i rise to call attention today sadly to the triumph of porkbarrel parochialism in this years omnibus appropriations bill, in particular a policy provision thals airdropped that was airdropped into this bill, a direct contravention to the National Defense authorization act, which will have u. S. Taxpayers subsidize russian aggression and comrade capitalism. Nearly two years ago russian president Vladimir Putin, furious that the ukrainian people had ousted a promoscow stooge in crime yarks the first days since the hitler and stal stalin, to dismember a sovereign state on the european continent. More on that 8,000 people have died in this conflict including 298 innocent people aboard Malaysian Airlines flight 17 who were
Its about being out here together. The feeling is hard to describe. You cant put put into words. But we dont have to. For friends who come together to reach for better. We brew a superior tasting light beer with fewer carbs and calories. Michelob ultra. The superior light beer. Video of one of the terror attacks in paris. Allen martin shows us. One womans close encounter. Wa terrorist. Surveillance video obtainedy the daily mail. Shows the chaos outside a restaurant friday. Look at the top left corner thats a terrorist in the red circle. Patrons dive inside and take cover as bullets and glas fly everywhere. People run for their lives. And check out the woman the publicati refered to as. The luckie woman in the world the gunman appears to be aiming at hert pointblank range but the weapon jams and she is abo run away. And tonight. Word that the bodies of the two people ki in last nights raid near ps were so mangled. French investigators are using d. N. To identify them. They do kw one wa