February activities at the Warren County Memorial Library in Warrenton will include the return of the North Carolina Reads Program, a statewide book club sponsored by North Carolina Humanities.
Greystone Kids
Inside in: X-Rays of Nature’s Hidden World by Jan Paul Schutten, illus. by Arie Van ‘t Riet, trans. by Laura Watkinson (Oct. 12, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-77164-679-6), provides a look at creatures and their natural habitats using x-ray techniques and photographs. Ages 2–7.
How Beautiful by Antonella Capetti, illus. by Melissa Castrillon (Nov. 2, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-77164-853-0). A curious caterpillar searches for the true meaning of the word
beautiful. Ages 4–8.
Little Narwhal, Not Alone by Tiffany Stone, illus. by Ashlyn Anstee (Oct. 12, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-77164-620-8). In a tale inspired by real events, a lost narwhal in search of other narwhals finds a pod of beluga whales instead. Ages 4–8.
are the six-pack fairy finishes up her ab magic with contouring makeup. then we ll take like a cream cosmetic like this and really kind of almost draw. and then buff it out. and this isn t cheating? this is definitely not cheating. how is it i mean, think about it this way. is makeup for you cheating? every woman wears makeup. is that cheating? enhancing. enhancing, that s a better word to use. reporter: for $35, the average guy can now buy abs in a box. assuming he knows how to paint them on. men are just as vain as we are. they really are. reporter: that vanity is driving sales of products like the lab series ab rescue body sculpting gel, which promises to tighten and tone. we went into the lab to see the science of enhancing the six-pack. the chemistry would be the polymer chemistry that gives you that instant tightening feel. then we have ingredients of caffeine, creatine, soybean
are the six-pack fairy finishes up her ab magic with contouring makeup. then we ll take like a cream cosmetic like this and really kind of almost draw. and then buff it out. and this isn t cheating? this is definitely not cheating. how is it i mean, think about it this way. is makeup for you cheating? every woman wears makeup. is that cheating? enhancing. enhancing, that s a better word to use. reporter: for $35, the average guy can now buy abs in a box. assuming he knows how to paint them on. men are just as vain as we are. they really are. reporter: that vanity is driving sales of products like the lab series ab rescue body sculpting gel, which promises to tighten and tone. we went into the lab to see the science of enhancing the six-pack. the chemistry would be the polymer chemistry that gives you that instant tightening feel. then we have ingredients of caffeine, creatine, soybean