During the quarter, the company received orders worth Rs 75,990 crore at the group level registering a growth of 25% on a year-on-year basis. Orders were received across businesses like offshore verticals of hydrocarbon, solar EPC & Power Transmission, Water Utilities, Buildings & Factories, and Minerals & Metals sectors. International orders at ₹ 50,562 crore during the quarter comprised 67% of the total order inflow.
India’s largest infrastructure company pruned the FY24 guidance for operating margin before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA margin) by 50 basis points to 8.25%-8.5% from 8.5%-9%. The management had earlier guided for a gradual improvement in the margin, mostly in the second half.
L&T Q3 results: Larsen & Toubro Ltd is set to release its earnings for the December quarter today. Analysts expect strong results from the company, driven by strong execution in the infrastructure segment, healthy order inflows, and lower input costs. L&T is viewed as a proxy to India s infrastructure story and has been a top-performing stock. Investors will closely watch the company s outlook for the domestic and international markets, particularly the Middle East. The company is expected to report a 39% YoY growth in net profit, a 17% increase in revenue, and a 21% rise in operating profit.
Larsen & Toubro Q3 results: HDFC Institutional Equities sees profit at Rs 3,340 crore, up 38.3 per cent YoY. It expects revenue to come in at Rs 52,280 crore, up 12.7 per cent YoY. Ebitda is seen rising 18 per cent YoY to Rs 5,980 crore
Q3 results today: Tuesday marks the announcements of December quarter earnings for 95 BSE listed companies. Larsen & Toubro, Bajaj Finserv, and Dr Reddy s Laboratories are the key companies to watch. Other important results include Cochin Shipyard, Blue Star Company, Dwarikesh Sugar Industries, KEC, Mahindra & Mahindra Finance, KPIT Technologies, NDTV, PB Fintech, Star Health and Allied Insurance, Vaibhav Global, VIP Industries, and Voltas.