During the quarter, the company received orders worth Rs 75,990 crore at the group level registering a growth of 25% on a year-on-year basis. Orders were received across businesses like offshore verticals of hydrocarbon, solar EPC & Power Transmission, Water Utilities, Buildings & Factories, and Minerals & Metals sectors. International orders at ₹ 50,562 crore during the quarter comprised 67% of the total order inflow.
India’s largest infrastructure company pruned the FY24 guidance for operating margin before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA margin) by 50 basis points to 8.25%-8.5% from 8.5%-9%. The management had earlier guided for a gradual improvement in the margin, mostly in the second half.
L&T Q3 Results: Consolidated revenue from operations rose nearly 19% YoY to Rs 55,128 crore and was higher than the estimated Rs 54,147 crore. The company bagged orders worth Rs 75,990 crore during the December quarter, registering a robust growth of 25% on a YoY basis.
New Delhi, Jan 30 (PTI) Infrastructure major Larsen & Toubro (L&T) on Tuesday posted a 15 per cent rise in its consolidated profit after tax at Rs 2,947 crore in the December quarter.
L&T stated that the consolidated order book of the group was at Rs 3,40,365 crore as on December 31, 2021, at record levels, with international orders having a share of 24 per cent.