since then, america has sought to right the wrong by dismantling the system, by suggesting that our nation is a racist one, that police on the whole are bad, that the nation is not just. during that time we have unfunded police in many places. we ve let perpetrators go without paying ball. we watched criminals get arrested to see them let free the next day. we ve seen scenes like in from philadelphia again and again. what a sad state of affairs so much is right now, right? so today you have voter going to the polls to vet. let their voices be heard on whether all of this has left us safer or actually in more danger. you can bet that they re watching all of this today, election action at the white house. we re now less than five months away from the mid-terms. so in places like san francisco today, los angeles, there may be a bit of an earthquake brewing. seven states today see voters head to the polls for the first time in a long time. what happens in california might be the
at the los angeles race for mayor. you have in rick caruso, somebody that used to be a republican, billionaire, poured millions into this race against karen bass, a long time member of congress. what are the tea leave there s? i tell you, california has a jungle primary. the two leading vote getters, whether they re two democrats or two republicans or a democrat and a republican, they ll go on to november to face off against each other. right now the polling would suggest that bass and caruso will advance in november. it s a very interesting race. caruso made a lot of money. he s a billionaire. he was a republican three years ago. l.a. has problems. they got problems like crime that we can show you in a moment. questions about the economy. talk about gas. kelly o grady, our correspondent in l.a., she s standing at a gas station at 6:00 a.m. the prices are lit up behind her. it s $8 plus. she says $5 gasoline never