AfTer LIsa Techel had been shoT To deaTh. IT was noT a day of resT. They had To dIscuss arrangemenTs. One of The saddesT word In The language Is arrangemenTs. IT musTve been unreal. GrIef sTrIcken, Todd decIded To sTay home by hImself wITh The resT of hIs famIly meT In a park. SeTh was There buT under InsTrucTIons noT To speak abouT The case. He shared an emoTIonal momenT wITh LIsas SIsTer and her moTher, Tracy. SeTh grab The gIrls and saId They ThInk I dId IT. We all hugged seTh and Told hIm we loved hIm. When InvesTIgaTors fInIshed dIfference I can seT The TraIler, Tracy, seTh, and hIs parenTs wenT ouT To reTrIeve some of lIsas ThIngs. IT was very Tough. The CrIme Scene Techs had been all over a. All over IT. I guess I wanTed To dad mode. WhaT was your ThInkIng . I dIdnT wanT hIm To see The blood. How was your boy dealIng wITh ThaT . I ThInk he was shocked. ThaT Sunday WasnT The day of resT for The men and women TryIng To solve The crIme eITher. InvesTIgaTors were focusIng on The Mur
Nothing in this case makes sense. They say doctors make the worst patients, no matter how sick. But, this dr. Was not just sick. He was dying. No one knew exactly what it was. And then, they found the crystals. But solving the medical mystery did not solve the main mystery, who poison them . He took a drink of it and said there is something wrong with this. Was many the motive, or was there another reason . Everything about this case is nuts. Turns out this busy doctor also had a busy love life at home and at work. She loved him. Who wanted the doctor dead . Who has motive . It is the person who is not getting what they want. Hello, and welcome to dateline. The top doctor known for saving lives found himself fighting for his own after he was poisoned. Cops immediately started looking into the women in his life and they uncovered more than one relationship, so investigators wanted to know which one was toxic. There is a place in houston, texas they call the mecca of medicine, m. D. Ande
Of sight, out ofout of mind, an. Good reason, because joe ise joe deeply. His approval rating, itr. Is hovering in the lowoval rat. Biden he is hemorrhaging support among black latinoters and young voters. President is also struggling to raise money. Donations have dipped significantly since 2020, and the majority of americans think biden has an ethics problem. You think . No surprise there. But now his campaign is tryingd to capitalize on joes malevolent sidm. E with new dark brand and merchandise, merchandise that is sure to save the day, dont you think . Joining us now with reaction, Fox News Contributor concha fox and Friends Weekend cohost prll caix n and former Senior Adviser to president bill clinton, doug schoees cline well, i was going to start by asking you if you plan to get dark branded mugs for fox and friends like were doing on outnumbered. But dark bt i wont stop there. 10. 2 million. That is what joe biden got in small dollar donations, 200 or less. That is half of what
And then she goes on to say, god, isnt it them playing the race card when they only question one. Now, if she had been truthful with that congregation, truthful with the community, she would have said, i had a relationship with him. Good, bad, forgive me, whatever, thats what she should have said. But she chose to deflect and say them, the reference to them and the others and they. Its obviously a reference to the motion filed by ms. Merchan. They choose to go after the black man. And she then goes on, again, deflecting away, and deflecting to the what i call the third rail in american society. Accusing somebody on the other side of being a racist. So and so is a racist. Theyre racist. She was the one playing the race card in a way to deflect from her own conduct. She goes on to say in her discussions with the lord. God, is it that some will never see a black man as qualified no matter his achievements, again, the deflection. What is she saying . The listener is not necessarily in that
two teaches dead. the press conference is moments away. what do you hope people get out of this? hopefully some light to the failures and unfortunately this happened to us for the lessons to be shared with somebody else. and also this hour in new hampshire, donald trump xwois on offense against nikki haley with the primary just five days away on offense against nikki haley with the primary just five days away.oxwois on offense against nikki haley with the primary just five days away.exwois on offense against nikki haley with the primary just five days away.s on offense against nikki haley with the primary just five days away. a vote for nikki haley is a vote for joe biden. if she win, biden wins and i m telling you that. and a report has been released that described a chaotic scene that could have been stopped and some of the children had been saved if some of the officers had followed standard protocols in response. and we re awaiting the press conference from merric