him to run. bill: on the republican side, presidential hopefuls were in iowa for an evangelical conference. big names on hand. the focus in iowa was on faith. if you believe like i do, that america should celebrate our founding fathers and not cancel them, let me hear you say amen. it is time to graduate to actually solving the problem with a vision of our own. we don t say race, gender, climate, sexual orientation. we have a different vision. god, country, family. an administration that was built on faith and freedom and liberty and life has been replaced by an administration that is literally weakened america at home and abroad. dana: senator tim scott was in iowa this weekend. well oh he hear from him in a moment. let s go to peter doocy at the white house this morning. the polls are bad for president biden. seven out of ten adults don t want him to run again according to nbc. just 26% want him to go for re-election. the president pre-recorded a video which wou
people with the least to lose. shortest tame horizons. people like that have all the power. you have no power. everything you have is yours. that is the end of civilizations, mog d mog dee shoe. buckdown is a former polish enclave west of lincoln park. real estate websites describe buck town above average rents where your kids might live with your friends as they start their first jobs. people think of buck town. local news accounts suggest different reality. shots fired during buck town robbery. man shot in buck town. buck town couple shares account of armed robbery. ryan king wasn t thinking of armed robbery. broad daylight. weekday. car pulled up. three young men stuck a gun in his face. account from local fox station. reporter: ryan king turned to get back to his mother s department. dark colored vehicle pulls up. king says one pulled a gun in his face and demanding a wallet. passer by yelled martial arts training kicked in and king hit one of the men with an elbow and
market. major industries in the mud yesterday part of a week-long slide chipping away at your retirement funds, 401k coming off the worst quarter since the start of the pandemic. dana: adding insult to injury the price of gas hitting another all-time high. $4.41 a gallon right now. close to $6 in some states. bill: president biden blaming these issues on just about everything and everyone from climate change to covid but according to larry kudlow it s time to take a look in the mirror. president biden should start to own this problem. the blame game doesn t work. it is not working for him. ordinary working folks don t buy into the blame game at all. you are in an emergency inflation crisis. and so you have to start taking emergency action. peter doocy rocks off the show report being live from the north lawn this morning. good morning, peter. good morning. we have new insight this morning from inside the white house. we know more this morning about how the president
the focus of tonight s the angle. donald trump lawyer paid off a porn star before the 2016 election, democrats inferred trump had intent to falsify records. they did not care the president ordered it himself. trump was guilty before the jury was enpanelled. how different their approach is with their demagogue dr. anthony fauci. although never officially charged with a crime, he had a senior adviser who found himself in hot water recently. he deleted e-mails and helped keep evidence secret. when the good doctor was asked about supporting this guy, we know he received federal grants for his work with the wouhan la. i may have discussed him because he is a grand you made that up, you are testifying he made that up? excuse me. you are testify ing the doctr made that up. i don t know where he got that, that is not true. laura: democrats were outraged dr. fauci were asked questions at all. dr. fauci, we owe you an apology for the way we have raked you through the
money. when can we expect you all with huge fundraising haul you got in may, crazy amount of money, when will you go to chicago? can we expect you in denver and l.a. chicago, detroit, atlanta, philly, we will do exactly what donald trump is best at, be his author authentic self and reach out to people and it astonishing prior to donald trump, you have not seen republicans go in these areas, except back to raying knowa. you saw new york flip red under ronald reagan, we will continue to do this. it is authorizenticity donald t brings along with fact people can remember when he was president and how different their life was. we ll continue to do this, donald trump will show up everywhere and democrats are going to realize if they have