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the focus of tonight's "the angle." donald trump lawyer paid off a porn star before the 2016 election, democrats inferred trump had intent to falsify records. they did not care the president ordered it himself. trump was guilty before the jury was enpanelled. how different their approach is with their demagogue dr. anthony fauci. although never officially charged with a crime, he had a senior adviser who found himself in hot water recently. he deleted e-mails and helped keep evidence secret. when the good doctor was asked about supporting this guy, we know he received federal grants for his work with the wouhan la. >> i may have discussed him because he is a grand -- >> you made that up, you are testifying he made that up? >> excuse me. >> you are testify ing the doctr made that up. >> i don't know where he got that, that is not true. >> laura: democrats were outraged dr. fauci were asked questions at all. >> dr. fauci, we owe you an apology for the way we have raked you through the mud and none have said, here is where you go to get your good name and reputation back. thank you. you are a world-renowned scientist and patriot. >> your leadership to administration saved countless lives and resources, we owe you a debt of gratitude. >> laura: a debt? he was highest paid and received first year pension payout according to open the books. "the angle," pat ourselves on the back a little bit, before anyone, we focused on the fauci game. way back in february of 2020, before a pandemic was declared, fauci came on the show and seemed to go out of his way to give chinese benefit of the doubt. >> laura: why should we believe them when billions or trillions are dollars are riding on the idea all is going to be okay. >> the chinese authorities have been explicit they would not tolerate misinformation going out. >> laura: you are satisfied with what is coming out of china with trajectory of the disease? >> in my direct interaction, not party politics, medical people and scientists, i can believe what they are telling me. >> laura: it gets funnier every time you hear it, or more infuriating. my spiedy sense about him and the scan-demic were accurate. it was about pushing manipulation and control than saving lives. we knew from early data from lombardi data, covid was not a threat to most people, only those with two or three comorbidities were at risk. >> two groups of people do poorly with covid-19, people with underlying conditionless. bigger group, not in size, in the effect are elderly, particularly those living in nursing homes. they often have comorbid illnesses. >> laura: that was the case and knew it was unwise to have a life-long democrat like fauci lead their response. it was doomed from day one. closures were pushed, maindates validated and did irreparable damage to education. all this wreckage was collateral damage, to a narc cyst in a white coat, man used to having no oversight to his action. this is why he thought he could get away with this to keep schools closed. to say every child has to go back to school is not realizing we have diversity of viral activity. there may be be some areas the level of virus is so high, it would not be prudent to bring kids back to school. >> laura: among most of anti-scientific recommendations, a recommendation he's trying to distance himself from. don't blame me, it was the cdc's fault. >> did you feel indication to go back to the cdc and said let's base this on science and get rid of this decision? >> it was cdc decision and it was clear -- cdc was part of the coronavirus response team. >> you didn't feel obligation to say, woo are providing americans with misinformation. >> we had discussions at the white house with that. the cdc decision and their decision to make and they made it. >> you didn't feel obligation as lead scientist at nih to challenge that? >> i have challenged cdc multiple times. >> publicly on this regard? on the six-foot distance rule. >> it is not appropriate to publ publicly challenge an organization. >> >> laura: really? had no problem challenging chief executive officer, president trump, his bos. >> i was put in a very difficult position i didn't like of having to contradict publicly the president of the united states. i felt it was my responsibility to preserve my own personal integrity and major responsibility to the american public to tell them the truth. >> laura: it gets better and better. we gave too much power to a power hungry bureaucrat with a fancy title and abandoned constitution and common sense. beyond social distancing, truth that guy abandoned or down played, cloth masks don't work, natural immunity is real, shots that don't prevent transmission is incomparable. you can't leave liquor stores open and closed churches and finally we have a first amendment. even today, you think fauci wishes there was more not less censor. >> we have to do a better job of reaching out to get correct information. that is difficult when you have energetic group of people continually spreading misand disinformation. >> laura: inconvenient first amendment, after all we've learned about the virus. alternative treatment, harm done to kids, one would think that tony fauci would show a little humili humility, even a little bit. no. if he had rathers, he would still have rolling lockdowns. >> one thing that was a problem with the response was degree of divisive ness about a lack of co coherent response having people for reasons that had nothing to do with public health or science refusing to adhere to public health measures. >> laura: they wanted to survive. perhaps best comment on fauci reesh reemergence from clifton duncan. your business went under while fauci went to ball games, fauci did photo shoots and hobnobbed with celebs. people got divorced and severed relationships and lost decade long careers, people overdosed and killed themselves, lost out on prom and graduation and lost loved ones that could have been saved. people are injured by a shot they didn't want because we chose to trust the science that being anthony fauci according to anthony fauci. we can never and i mean never let happen to this country again what happened under him. we're going to be paying for the fauci effect for a generation, perhaps more. his impuruousness on the hill today shows he was wrong man to help formulate a common sense plan to deal with the wuhan flu. that's "the angle." joining me is congressman winthrop and dr. peter mc mccullough. congressman, what do you think is the most important fact is you have uncovered in all your investigations? >> i think that the numerous facts that we have uncovered led to the very notion that dr. fauci as director of the naaid takes no responsibility for anything that seems to happen when it comes to the grant process, nefarious b behavior, lack of control within his agency tells us everything. messaging was absolutely horrible and so was bed-side manner through this entire process. we've seen so many incidents of things tamake no sense. you look at us having mandate for the vaccine when we have people coming across the border unvaccinated and disbursed around the nation. >> laura: that is most important fact, not to be a brat here, but what is most important fact we learned? number one fact we learned about anthony fauci? >> we learned he was overseen and coordinating a u.s.-chinese conspiracy to create sars cov 2. the doctors in wouhan, china co-conspired creation of a sars-like wuhan of virology virus poised for human emergence and fauci is on capitol hill deceiving america and deceiving the world. >> laura: congressman, that is quite a charge. i would tend to agree with what the doctor just said there. the united states of america, perhaps there is an argument to be made, fairly strong argument, indirectly funding research that ended up causing this lab leak. do you think the truth is headed to that, the evidence is heading to that, congressman? >> i think so. taken back by comment that was made. our work has been thorough and looking at what has been going on in wound wound, china. i'm on the intelligence committee and started looking in february of 2020 as physician on the intelligence committee, i found out there was virus created by ralpartly cloudyh barrick and in china. efforts have been going what happened there. dr. fauci said it came from nature. behind the scenes, he and the people that wrote origins said this looks engineered and could have come from the lab. guess what, we will never get a definitive answer unless somebody speaks up and china and if they do, they won't survive very long. >> laura: fauci denied a lot of things, he admitted one. >> mask mandates for children under five, specific research did that? >> no study did masks on kids, you couldn't do the study, you had to respond to epidemic killing four to five million americans. >> laura: you and i talked about masks in march of 2020, they had done the influenza study that showed cloth masks did not work. hes like, we didn't have a study. congressman has exposed all of this. >> it is true. masks never work, they should never have been primary intervention, focus should have been on early treatment to p prevent hospitalization and deaths. it was a giant distraction focusing on contagion control. everyone got covid-19. we all got it, should have focused on early treatment. >> laura: chairman, are you concerned that if joe biden were re-elected heaven forbid and we had another dangerous outbreak of some type of disease, that we'd be back at square 1 here with this mentality we saw at the nih? >> unless we're able to put in place recommendations and suggestions and legal authorities we're going to want to put in when we finish our report, we'll be in big trouble, like you just said. >> laura: thank you both. when we come back, the havoc being reeked upon america, this time in new york city. coming to a town or city near you. florida senator marco rubio reacts next. n because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa. marco rubio /* >> laura: bring me your tired, your poor, your criminally inclined. an illegal from venezuela charged with shooting two nypd officers this morning. no one should be surprised to hear this. biden is allowing millions to march into our country. the 19-year-old was driving the wrong way down a one-way street. when the cops to tried to pull him over, he ran away on foot and opened fire. >> the suspect fired multiple rounds at police officers who returned fire. one officer was shot in the vest and the other officer shot in the leg. >> this is a bullet hole. because of this vest, a young police officer is going home. >> laura: this is what a biden era dreamer is capable of. b bernardo matof crossed illegally in july three eagle pass, texas and made his way to the big apple. why not. this is par for the course, happening millions of time. joining me is florida senator r marco rubio. that is what biden border crossers are bringing into the country. >> it is knowa example why it is never a good idea to allow nine to 10 million people come into your country illegally. say 95% of people are not here to commit crime, that is still 5%, a lot of people. this criminal element is coming over, i had no way to quantify it, now we see it. truth of the matter, these people are criminals in venezuela and are here now. idea they are being vetted at the border is a joke. some of these people are part of a gang working toward the united states. add one more piece, a lot of people come from central asia. we have no background information. we know isis is running a trafficking group. they are in the business of moving migrants to the u.s., why do we not think they would move migrants to move terrorists. we have to assume and built on common sense. in addition to criminals, there are people who have links to terrorism and will commit terrorist acts sometime in the future. it is a daufrjous situation that biden and kamala harris and this administration have allowed to happen. >> laura: they are floating an executive order that will supposedly, after saying he did not have power to do so, crack down on asylum scam. will voters look and say yeah, better late than never? good on them. >> i don't think so, they spent three years denying there was a border crisis. they have power to reverse all executive decisions that joe biden took when he took office in the first month, close to 100, all reerce having trump policies. he campaigned on the message he would be more welcoming and more people came. this is -- people think it will be easier to get here and stay, they will come. if they don't, they won't. joe biden was elected on the promise of making it easier to come illegally and easier to stay and result is we've seen close to 10 million people cross the border illegally in just 3-1/2 years. >> laura: senator, scale of 1-10, 10 most important, how important for republicans to win control of the senate just on this issue alone? >> it is extraordinarily important. mayorkas and others in charge are complicit in this act, number one. number two, it gives us leverage over it is administration. great to have the house and senate, right now we don't have the senate and we can't even call hearings to investigate this. >> laura: what is to investigate? it is obvious, stop all funding of their pet projects. it would be great to subpoena internal communications and have those produced to see if there was collusion involved. they knew what they were doing, this is by design. >> laura: they think they have millions in new democratic voting. where did jill biden spend her birthday? she was in court with hunter. the details next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” >> laura: hunter biden was in court today, in time for jury selection on federal gun charges case. joining us david spunt. david. >> we have a jury, 12 jurors, four alternates, from 250 potential jurors. opening statements begin tomorrow in wilmington, delaware. hunter biden arrived with his wife and other family members. they began this morning for jury selection. you see him leaving the courthouse. he is charged with three counts of lying when claiming he was not a drug user. hunter's attorney abbe lowell ex expected to argue that the form need to be examined if other people may have filled out the form and may be chain of custody questions. in the courtroom, jill biden showing sign of support to hunter. today is her 73rd birthday. her daughter and hunter's sister ashley biden in the courtroom taking notes. the president did not come to k0ur79, he did repiece this statement. i don't and won't comment, as a dad, i have love for my son, confidence in him and his strength. jill and i will continue to be there for hunter and our family with love and support. opening statements begin at 9:00 tomorrow. expected to go two weeks. laura. >> laura: thank you. joining me missouri senator eric eric schmitt, thank you for being with us tonight. jill biden in court for jury selection. you could argue that is pretty powerful message from the white house to potential jurors or just a concerned mom? >> what is important to remember about this case, laura, before it gets memory hold, department of justice wanted to give him a sweetheart deal. a judge started asking questions about pretrial agreement that would have allowed him to plea, deferred prosecution deal on the gun charge, take away the irs charge and any other federal crimes brought by the united states. they were willing to give him a free pass on everything, including influence pedalling by foreign government. that got unwound by this judge. as former prosecutor, attorney general of missouri, gun charges are usually slam dunk cases. federal government wanted to get rid of all this stuff and combine that with what happened to president trump, two tiers of justice. one for chief political rival, president trump, they want to put him away, versus a sw sweetheart deal for his son. will we be constitutional republic or banana republic? >> laura: two judges involved in this case are trump appointees, is that correct? >> i don't even know. >> laura: that is what politico is reporting, two judges overseeing the trials have a lot in common, both appointed by trump. law should be applied without regard to who appoints whom and who the defendant did, democrats may make hay over that. >> you have alvin bragg, who ran on getting trump. campaign was, i'm going to prosecute donald trump and couldn't articulate the underlying crime. it is riddled with error i think it will vin divindicate president trump. people are upset about this, can't believe this is happening to our country. gun charges are, they have got him dead to right, i wouldn't be surprised. what doj tried to do, give hunter biden free pass on everything and that got unwound. >> laura: will rely on conviction to say we're even steven now, that is obviously going to be the narrative. thank you tonight. >> president biden: war and pursuit of unidentified notion of total victory, will not bring israel, not bring down -- will bog down israel and gaza. >> laura: the wilmington wonder inspiring confidence coast to coast. maybe not. for good reason democrats are petrified, no matter what they do to trump, he gets stronger and think stroer. only option left is take him off the ballot, that is what socialists are trying to did, on grounds he is a convicted felon. anita vogel said i have clients lied up for a ballot challenge in this case. joining us is lara trump, frofrom the rnc. >> you are right, assessment that everything they are trying to do to donald trump is backfiring and making him stronger and galvanize ing suppt of him. this law in particular they are attempting to use here seems to only apply to local and state elections. of course, we know when it comes to donald trump, whether or not a lot legally applies really di doesn't matter, ask leticia james and alvin bragg. in colorado, they attempted to use similar law and supreme court said you can't do it, undemocratic measures they are attempting to use. i suspect, though, they are in full panic mode because they have inkcum upon incumbent president. just last month we had a poll out of washington state that donald trump was up one point on joe biden in deep blue washington state. yeah, you can try out there, these tactics, they will be struck down and donald trump will be nominee for republican party and any attempt like this will continue to galvanize support behind him. >> laura: stories we were seeing, things are getting close in virginia, a tough state for republicans. in new york state, within seven points, usually double-digit blowout for democrats. what you guys are doing with minority vote and outreach really is working. it is driving them nuts and forcing them to spend a lot of money. when can we expect you all with huge fundraising haul you got in may, crazy amount of money, when will you go to chicago? can we expect you in denver and l.a. >> chicago, detroit, atlanta, philly, we will do exactly what donald trump is best at, be his author authentic self and reach out to people and it astonishing prior to donald trump, you have not seen republicans go in these areas, except back to raying knowa. you saw new york flip red under ronald reagan, we will continue to do this. it is authorizenticity donald t brings along with fact people can remember when he was president and how different their life was. we'll continue to do this, donald trump will show up everywhere and democrats are going to realize if they have not already, keeping donald trump stuck in noeshg was the worst thing they could have done. it has shown when he reaches out, people respond and he will get a massive vote on november 5th. >> laura: thank you, good to see you. wnba star caitlin clark, that cheap shot, been dying to talk about this one. video and commentary is next. have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> laura: it was the shove seen around the world. >>bled doubled off to carter anr jumper is good.r ken chennedy carter with 12 points offff the bench. the officials will look at carter and clark. that is clearly a foul, which was called, question is, will they call it unnecessary? >> laura: chicago sky guard chennedy carter, the one who threw clark to the ground, gave this explanation. >> opportunity to talk about me an d caitlin clark and what was said and that led to -- >> next question, i will not take caitlin clark questions. >> what disad you say to her?en >> i did not say anything. >> that's enough. >> laura: that's enough? what? dan dakich joins me now. league ud pgraded the foul to >> flagrant one. doesn't need explanation, all good here. >> how about let's move along. wnba players, their jealousy is shining through. i get it, go to the rim, hard foul. you rebound, somebody takes a shot at you, i get it. rookie indoctrinaindoctrination. what are you doingnd t?er what could you be thinking? almost like a bounty on the head of caitlin clark. the bench, including angel reese stood up and high fived you got her. and tht e b word thrown in, i g it, heat of the moment, like a bounty, somebody is going to get caitlin clark tonight. it was ridiculous. the poor woman, carter should 'm have said this, how would you have felt if she said, i don't like caitlin clark, i don't like anything about her. she talks trash, come in our league, i shouldn't have done what i did, she will have to ve face tough necessary in this league. how would you feel if she said that? >> laura: i guess.ak peoplein are making comments about,ism. this is racism, thisa r racist targeting of caitlin clark.ark. as far a as s i can tell, i havt seen every clip, she seems pr prettyth gracious when asked abt other players. i played in high school, not college, youing. get knocked to ground. this is something beyond that. you think race comes into play? >> absolutely, the players, asia wilson, becky hammond, gje jeshgmillee hill. competition is enough, women's sports areitli growing, becausey caitlin clark and others, is growing. absolutely. toto close your eyes after listening to asia wilson, about how she is only popular because she is straight and white.a, when you c hear it externally, imagine if they are saying it externally, they are talking internally a lot. >> laura: love to see the particular messages. background on carter, suspended in 2021, she tried to fight her own teammate and couple items we don't have time to get into. she's been trouble since she walked fol in, some i say. i don't follow her seems this is a moment where the wnba could stand up and say all are welcome. if you can play and you're good, we welcome you. the league is growing in popularity and everyone play hard on the court and enough. right? >>n yeah. c lynn dunn, head coach of the fever, she told me on my local radio show last friday they have been sending clips to the winba office for weeks, the unnecessary hits she has taken. this has been ongoing. this is the most public. ask you, how great for it the wnba that laura ingraham is talking about it. >> laura: it is good for them, i don't like the racism coming into play, does not seem like regular competition here, a lot more going on. you are the best, thanks. pride comes to philly and sesame street, and photobombed from the house floor. all that on seen and unseen next. wnext. inext. tnext. hnex >> laura: time for seen and unseen, stories behind the headlines. turn to raymond arroyo. pride month is upon us. the defense department, 843 billion budget, june is ptsd aw awareness month. ram >> raymond: if someone you know is struggling, very unclear, they pulled that post. then naval special war fare official facebook page posted. is this role of the federal government? are they pushing children who have diabetes, where are we drawing the line? >> laura: i have navy seal friends it might shock you to know and i received that screen shot from seven different people from different parts of the country. seals i know were very unhappy with that. they are like, we are navy seals, what are you doing? it does not work. this official sesame street post wishing everybody happy pride month to their audience, okay. >> raymond: this is message to preschoolers, babies, very sad, and it is not first time sesame street and it is gang have been down this street before. >> uplift and celebrate our lgbtq family and community. >> from our sesame street family to yours, happy pride. >> meet my brother dave, his husband frank and mia. >> hi, mia. >> happy -- daddy, sesame street is more amazing than you said. >> so happy you are all here. >> we wouldn't miss family day for anything. >> raymond: laura, everybody is welcome and everybody should be repre represented, that issin foo. we are talking babies and taking innocents childhood and setting them in adult context. when you are talking big bird and content warning, there is a problem. >> laura: what happen in philadelphia over the weekend? el elmo,s and -- >> raymond: more than elmo, they ran into a pro-palestinian p protest who blocked their way and it got ugly. i hope they found shelter. they had banners, no pride in genocide. considering what happens in the middle east, some people in pride march must have been concerned about their welfare or should have been. huge election over the weekend in mexico getting washed away. they elected first female president, a socialist. she was partially elected by people living in the united states. check out this video. people voting at houston and chicago consulates. nice to see some governments stick check ids dae /* /*'s. good practice. >> laura: congressman john rose of tennessee brought his son to the house floor to offer remarks. he was upstaged. >> the justice is to engage in politically driven prosecution and conviction, we'll be well served to remember long and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling political differences at the ballot box. the d.a. campaigned on getting president trump. >> raymond: they say never work with dogs or kids. i thought it was hilarious. he told his son to smile and the kid created his own side show. and now over my shoulder. great. he is fun. can't raise taxes or spend on foreign wars. keep the kid, i like it. >> laura: his dad is a republican, sticking out his tongue, that is what we feel about congress. follow me on social and jesse is next. >> carley: video you need to see this morning. a bike shop worker attacked by a maniac

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,Riding ,Misinformation ,Disease ,Interaction ,Trajectory ,China ,People ,Scientists ,Party Politics ,Sense ,Data ,Manipulation ,Spiedy ,Scan Demic ,Groups ,Threat ,Risk ,Covid ,Comorbidities ,Two ,19 ,Three ,Effect ,Group ,Size ,Nursing Homes ,Elderly ,Living ,Underlying Conditionless ,Co Coherent Response ,Case ,Illnesses ,Damage ,Collateral Damage ,Wreckage ,Education ,Closures ,Day One ,Maindates ,One ,Oman ,Action ,Oversight ,Narc Cyst ,Coat ,Virus ,Areas ,Child ,Level ,Schools ,Activity ,Diversity ,Back To School ,Kids ,Recommendations ,Recommendation ,Most ,Science ,Cdc ,Fault ,Indication ,Decision ,Obligation ,Part ,Coronavirus Response Team ,Discussions ,White House ,Americans ,Woo ,Regard ,Times ,Lead Scientist ,Rule ,Six ,Problem ,Chief Executive Officer ,Organization ,Bos ,Responsibility ,Integrity ,Position ,Power ,Truth ,Public ,Bureaucrat ,Fancy Title And Abandoned Constitution ,Shots ,Distancing ,Immunity ,Common Sense ,Cloth Masks Don T Work ,Churches ,Liquor Stores ,Don T Prevent Transmission ,Amendment ,Job ,Censor ,Information ,Misand Disinformation ,Treatment ,Rathers ,Little Humili ,Humility ,Black ,Thing ,Lockdowns ,Degree ,Ness ,Comment ,Measures ,Health ,Reasons ,Public Health ,Nothing ,Fauci Reesh Reemergence ,Business ,Ball Games ,Photo Shoots ,Clifton Duncan ,Relationships ,Careers ,Prom ,Celebs ,Graduation ,Shot ,Loved Ones ,Country ,Generation ,Impuruousness ,The Hill ,Plan ,Wuhan ,Flu ,Help ,Congressman Winthrop ,Fact ,Congressman ,Peter Mc Mccullough ,Facts ,Led ,Director ,Notion ,Investigations ,Naaid ,Everything ,Control ,Messaging ,Agency ,Grant Process ,Nefarious B ,Things ,Process ,Mandate ,Manner ,Incidents ,Vaccine ,Border ,Unvaccinated ,Nation ,Brat ,Number One ,Conspiracy ,Doctors ,Sars Cov 2 ,China Co Conspired Creation ,2 ,Like ,Human Emergence ,Virology Virus ,Capitol Hill ,World ,Charge ,Argument ,Research ,Lab Leak ,Evidence ,Intelligence Committee ,Wound ,Physician ,Efforts ,Ralpartly Cloudyh Barrick ,Lab ,Nature ,Origins ,Guess What ,Behind The Scenes ,Lot ,Somebody ,Answer ,Masks ,Study ,Children ,Epidemic ,Mask Mandates ,Four ,Five Million ,Five ,Influenza Study ,Cloth ,Hes ,March Of 2020 ,Intervention ,It ,Everyone ,Contagion Control ,Distraction ,Deaths ,Hospitalization ,Joe Biden ,Heaven ,Outbreak ,Type ,Square ,Mentality We Saw ,1 ,Report ,Place ,Suggestions ,Nih ,Big Trouble ,Marco Rubio ,Back ,City ,Town ,Florida ,New York City ,Havoc Being Reeked ,Authority ,Loan Approval Decisions ,Credit ,N ,News ,Newday ,Va ,Credit Challenges ,Payment ,Veterans ,Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan ,No One ,Newday Usa ,100 ,Officers ,Poor ,Venezuela ,Nypd ,Street ,Millions ,Foot ,Cops ,Vest ,Officer ,Police Officers ,Officer Shot ,Bullet Hole ,Fire ,Rounds ,Leg ,Suspect ,Returned Fire ,Police Officer ,Dreamer ,Tb ,Home ,Bernardo Matof ,Course ,Par ,Eagle Pass ,Texas ,Big Apple ,Example ,Biden Border Crossers ,Nine ,10 Million ,Criminal Element ,95 ,5 ,Matter ,Criminals ,Some ,Joke ,Piece ,Background Information ,Gang ,Central Asia ,Isis ,Trafficking Group ,Terrorists ,Situation ,Terrorism ,Addition ,Terrorist Acts ,Links ,Kamala Harris ,Daufrjous ,Executive Order ,Voters ,Asylum Scam ,Border Crisis ,Office ,Message ,Executive Decisions ,Policies ,Month ,Reerce ,Result ,Promise ,Stay ,Republicans ,Issue ,Senate ,Senator ,Important ,Scale ,10 ,3 ,1 2 ,Others ,Leverage ,Mayorkas ,House ,Funding ,Hearings ,Collusion ,Communications ,Doing ,Pet Projects ,Jill Biden ,Court ,Birthday ,Voting ,Design ,Hunter ,Details ,Outside ,Sun ,Thanks ,Patio ,Protection ,Rays ,Sunsetter Retractable Awning ,Deck ,Sun Glare ,Instant Shade ,200 ,20 ,00 ,Awning ,Sunsetter ,Discount Certificate ,Kit ,Offer ,799 ,99 ,Price ,Awning Solutions ,Styles ,Life ,Dealer Info ,Oasis ,Add Led Lighting ,Evening Enjoyment ,Hunter Biden ,Jurors ,Alternates ,Jury Selection On Federal Gun Charges Case ,David Spunt ,12 ,Statements ,Jury Selection ,Wife ,Family Members ,Wilmington ,Delaware ,250 ,Courthouse ,Abbe Lowell ,Counts ,Drug User ,Courtroom ,Form ,Custody ,Chain ,Sex ,Support ,Showing ,Sister Ashley Biden ,Sign ,Daughter ,Notes ,73 ,Dad ,Son ,Statement ,Strength ,Confidence ,Won T ,K0ur79 ,Family ,9 ,Eric Schmitt ,Me Missouri ,Mom ,Department Of Justice ,Memory Hold ,Judge ,Sweetheart Deal ,Agreement ,Plea ,Prosecution ,Crimes ,Gun Charge ,Deal ,Pedalling ,Pass ,Government ,Gun Charges ,Prosecutor ,Slam Dunk Cases ,Attorney General ,Justice ,Stuff ,Tiers ,Rival ,Versus A Sw ,Judges ,Constitutional Republic Or Banana ,Trump Appointees ,Is Reporting ,Common ,Trials ,Law ,Defendant ,Whom ,Hay ,Alvin Bragg ,Who ,Campaign ,Couldn T ,Terror ,Vin Divindicate ,Wouldn T ,Conviction ,Unwound ,Narrative ,Victory ,War And Pursuit Of Unidentified Notion ,Israel ,Gaza ,Reason ,Coast To ,Wilmington Wonder ,Option ,Ballot ,Felon ,Socialists ,Clients ,On Grounds ,Stroer ,Anita Vogel ,Lara Trump ,Ballot Challenge ,Assessment ,Frofrom The Rnc ,Ing Suppt ,State Elections ,Di Doesn T Matter ,Leticia James ,Supreme Court ,Colorado ,Panic ,Poll ,Mode ,Inkcum ,Republican Party ,Tactics ,Point ,Washington State ,Nominee ,Deep Blue ,Stories ,Estate ,Attempt ,New York State ,Virginia ,Seven ,Vote ,Points ,Outreach ,Blowout ,Minority ,Money ,Chicago ,May ,Fundraising Haul ,Amount ,Denver ,Author ,Self ,L A Chicago ,Philly ,Detroit ,Atlanta ,Red ,Ronald Reagan ,Raying Knowa ,Everywhere ,Authorizenticity Donald T ,Noeshg ,November 5th ,Caitlin Clark ,Wnba ,Video ,Commentary ,Cash ,Life Insurance Policy ,Clue ,Term ,Policy ,Thousands ,00000 ,100000 ,Someone ,Combination ,Come On ,Screen ,Number ,Visit Coventrydirect Com ,30 ,Factors ,Memory ,Brain Scientists ,Issues ,Decline ,Forgetful ,50 ,Neuroq ,Brain ,Introducing Neuroq ,Brain Doctors ,Brain Fog ,Nutrients ,Breakthrough Multi Ingredient ,Action Brain Care ,Dale Bredesen ,Ingredients ,Ingredient ,Brain Performance ,Multi Ingredient ,Memory Focus ,Focus ,Concentration ,Boost ,Fuel ,Improvement ,Results ,Brain Care ,Users ,4 ,Clarity ,Clearer ,Tasks ,Recall ,Shipping ,Strips ,Fast Dissolving Sleep ,9 95 ,49 95 ,Brain Recovery ,Uncle ,T Mobile ,Price Lock ,Clock ,Commercials ,Guarantee ,Him ,Un Carrier ,Unruly ,Connection ,Session ,Xfinity ,Ken Chennedy Carter ,Shove ,Bled ,Anr Jumper , Uncalled For ,Question Is ,Officials ,Bench ,Foul ,The One ,Explanation ,Ground ,Opportunity ,Chicago Sky ,Question ,Say Anything ,D ,League Ud Pgraded ,Dan Dakich ,Players ,Doesn T ,Jealousy ,Good ,Her ,Rim ,Rookie Indoctrinaindoctrination ,Tht Eb Word Thrown In ,Bounty ,Head ,Angel Reese ,High Fived Her Ro ,Twig ,Woman ,League ,Trash ,Racism ,Eve ,Ak Peoplein ,Comments ,Racist ,Targeting ,Si ,Ism ,Thisa ,Caitlin Clark Ark ,Clip ,Abt ,Pr Prettyth ,Play ,Something ,College ,Race ,Asia Wilson ,High School ,Youing ,Competition ,Gje Jeshgmillee Hill ,Becausey ,Becky Hammond ,Women S Sports Areitli Growing ,White A ,Toto ,Eyes ,Messages ,Background ,Imagine Internally ,Items ,Teammate ,Trouble ,Couple ,Fol ,2021 ,Personally Re ,Yeah C Lynn Dunn ,Popularity ,Fever ,Clips ,Hits ,Me On My Local Radio Show ,Winba ,Pride ,Sesame Street ,Best ,Photobombed ,Next ,House Floor ,Wnext ,Hnex Laura ,Headlines ,Pride Month ,Inext ,Tnext ,Raymond Arroyo ,Defense Department ,Budget ,843 Billion ,Naval Special War Fare ,Struggling ,Post ,Ram Raymond ,Ptsd Aw Awareness Month ,Diabetes ,Role ,Friends ,Line ,Navy Seal ,Parts ,Seals ,Preschoolers ,Everybody ,Raymond ,Audience ,Uplift ,Lgbtq ,Husband ,Community ,Sesame Street Family ,Daddy ,Happy ,Mia ,Hi ,Miss ,We Wouldn T ,Context ,Childhood ,Innocents ,Issin Foo ,Content ,El Elmo ,Warning ,Philadelphia ,Big Bird ,S And ,P Protest ,Shelter ,Genocide ,Banners ,Weekend ,Welfare ,Pride March ,Middle East ,Mexico ,People Voting ,Houston ,John Rose ,Governments ,Consulates , ,Ids Dae ,Practice ,Floor ,Remarks ,Tennessee ,Differences ,Tradition ,Ballot Box ,D A ,Kid ,Trump ,Dogs ,Side Show ,Shoulder ,Taxes ,Wars ,Bike Shop Worker ,Jesse ,Maniac ,Tongue ,Congress ,Carley ,

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