Hours after the Haryana Police “abruptly and illegally restrained” the Punjab Police from taking BJP leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga to Mohali after arresting him from the national capital, the Punjab and Haryana High Court today directed the states of Haryana and Delhi to file their wri
Delhi police vs Punjab police vs Haryana police over Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga: Timeline of his arrest and release - Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga s arrest: The Punjab police personnel were bound for Mohali when they were intercepted by the police in BJP-ruled Haryana.
The Punjab Police arrested Delhi BJP spokesperson Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga (36) from his Delhi residence on Friday in connection with a case registered against him in Mohali last month. Initially, the plan was to arrest Bagga and bring him to Punjab so that he could be produced before a court. Things, however, took a dramatic turn in the next few hours. Let s look at how the entire event unfolded till the BJP leader s late-night rescue. Why Was Bagga Arrested The Punjab Police said Bagga was
Support for the farmers' cause came from all corners of the globe and in some cases, even enabled Punjabis settled abroad to reconnect with their roots.