Senior Jammu and Kashmir police officer Davinder Singh, who was arrested along with two terrorists self-styled district commander of banned Hizbul Mujahideen, Naveed Baba, and Altaf and an overground worker at a checkpoint on a national highway by a team of policemen, has been suspended on Monday. It has emerged that Singh had sheltered three terrorists, arrested along with him, at his residence in Srinagar right next to the Army s XV corps headquarters at Badami Bagh cantonment.
O P Sharma A premier institution exclusively devoted to the well-being of the Divyangs is playing a pivotal role in imparting education to enable them to stand on their own with dignity. The attempt is to empower them through formal and vocational education as also training and rehabilitation. In the context of the acute problem of physically challenged children, a novel idea struck Dr. R.R.Khajuria, a philanthropist, social activist and veterinarian who retired as MD, Jammu in Milk Supply Scheme […]
Cluster University lifts debate competition trophy
Cluster University lifts debate competition trophy
Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 18: Cluster University of Jammu lifted title trophy of 19th Annual Verranna Aivalli Memorial Trophy, organised Indian Institute of Public Administration J&K Regional Branch and J&K Police in collaboration with Department of Students Welfare, University of Jammu on the topic, “ In the opinion of the house, Virtual Model is a poor substitute for classroom learning”, here today.
A total of 27 teams from various affiliated colleges and university participated in the competition.
The team from Cluster University comprising of Aryan Senand Shrenya lifted the VeerannaAivalli Running team trophy, whereas the first prize was won by Anmol Sharma from GDC Bishnah; Saskshi Bhat of GCET Jammu bagged second prize and Sarthika from Cluster University won the third prize. The consolation prizes were won by Shrenya of Cluster University; Monika Parihar of