Share And leaves my lashes longer and stronger in the long run. By Rachel Nussbaum March 09, 2021
Dakota Johnson and I have many things in common. For example, we both love limes, shading our neighbors, enormous jewels, and walking around in dresses that could double as pajamas (the new day to night). The list goes on, and I personally have Johnson to thank for the trick that keeps my eyelashes so long they graze my eyebrows.
Nope, it s not a stunningly effective eyelash serum this advice is all about instant gratification. Johnson s secret for long lashes first came to light in 2017, when she shared that her grandmother, Tippi Hedren, picked up a genius tip from her days in the spotlight. She was watching me put my mascara on once, and told me that if you hold the mirror down low and put the mascara on while looking downward, you will get the most coverage from the base of the lashes to the tips
Share And leaves my lashes longer and stronger in the long run. By Rachel Nussbaum January 11, 2021
Dakota Johnson and I have many things in common. For example, we both love limes, shading our neighbors, enormous jewels, and walking around in dresses that could double as pajamas (the new day to night). The list goes on, and I personally have Johnson to thank for the trick that keeps my eyelashes so long they graze my eyebrows.
Nope, it s not a stunningly effective eyelash serum this advice is all about instant gratification. Johnson s secret for long lashes first came to light in 2017, when she shared that her grandmother, Tippi Hedren, picked up a genius tip from her days in the spotlight. She was watching me put my mascara on once, and told me that if you hold the mirror down low and put the mascara on while looking downward, you will get the most coverage from