The project cost of Dhamra LNG terminal is Rs 6,450 crore, the sources said responding to Moitra s assertion that the terminal to import natural gas in its liquid form, called LNG, was built at a much higher cost than Rs 5,000 crore that IOC incurred in construction of a similar sized facility at Ennore in Tamil Nadu.
Sources said that Adani Group built an LNG import facility at Dhamra in Odisha entirely based on financial backing of promoters. As per the sources, there was no financial undertaking or guarantees of public sector giants IOC and GAIL, Business News, Times Now
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Adani Group built an LNG import facility at Dhamra in Odisha entirely based on financial backing of promoters, with no financial undertaking or guarantees of public sector giants IOC and GAIL, who merely were tenants, sources said. India News | Dhamra LNG Terminal Built Entirely on Promoter Finance; No Fin Commitment from IOC, GAIL: Sources.