West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed on Monday that she had suggested industrialist Sanjiv Goenka to remove the 'ATK' tag from Mohun Bagan, the Kolkata football giant which annexed the Indian Super League (ISL) title by defeating .
A "Sin Stock" is stock of a company that is associated with or is directly involved in, activities considered unethical or immoral. These could be gambling stocks such as Delta Corp or tobacco stocks like ITC.
AMRI operates three super-specialty hospitals in Kolkata, as well as another in Bhubaneswar. The chain s hospitals have a total capacity of 1,200 beds.
Mukherjee comes with over 28 years of experience in general management, marketing and sales operation, business strategy and innovation. As the CMO at the UB Group, he was responsible for managing a diverse set of local and global brands like Kingfisher, Ultra, Heineken and Amstel.