International friday december the 27th grade with real world news this hour im sorry to say starting with tragedy in central asia in kazakhstan where a passenger plane has crashed killing at least 14 people the aircraft lost altitude soon after takeoff clipped a barrier and true Story Building 95 passengers and 5 crew were on board flight. 135. 00 others are injured including 9 children the area around the crash site has been evacuated as the plane was flying from the countrys largest city to the capital. The craft for 100 manufactured in the netherlands in the 1980 s. And all types of that plane is now been grounded in cassocks down pending an inquiry president has expressed his condolences to the families of the victims hes also one of the Prime Minister to lead a special commission to investigate the tragedy. Lets talk now to see for a riff and whos director of aviator e. Into nature thanks for joining us on r. T. This morning of course takeoffs and landings for any cockpit crew of
So representative babbin. Yes, sir. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. Id like to join the others in acknowledging those in attendance here today who lost loved ones in the accidents and our sincerest condolences to you and thank you for being here today. In the interest of time, id like to get right to it. Instead of directing my questions to one of you specifically. Id like to address these to both of you and let you decide who is best fit to answer. I think there is a feeling out there that after the lion air crash in indonesia boeing sat back and did nothing in terms of addressing the causes of the accident and since the second crash in ethiopia, weve heard a lot from boeing and the rest of the industry about how the information gleaned from these tragic accidents helped to ensure that they are not repeated. With that in mind, what did boeing do after the lion air crash to ensure that those circumstances were not repeated and do you have any specific examples of Lessons Learned tha
This hearing will come to order. Thank you all for being here today. One year ago today lion air, flight 610 crashed into the sea shortly after takeoff from jakarta, indonesia. All 189 people on board perished. Five months later Ethiopian Airline 302 departed out of ethiopia just like lion air flight 610, ethiopian flight 302 experienced problems shortly after takeoff and crashed. All 157 persons on board died. Both of these accidents were entirely preventible. We cannot fathom the pain experienced by the families of those 346 human beings who were lost. Many family members are here today and we appreciate their attendance. I appreciate many of them meeting with members of the committee over time. As chairman of this committee i promise their loved ones that we are working to obtain a full answer as to how to prevent future tragedies. These families deserve answers, accountability, and action, and the public deserves no less. The type of aircraft involved in both accidents is a 737 max
The committee on transportation infrastructure will come to order. I ask unanimous consent that security be authorized to declare basis of the hearing without objection, so ordered. I also ask unanimous consent for the Ranking Member of the full committee to be recognized for ten minutes each i will be making to unanimous requests for documents from the attorneys said. I see nothing that is export sensitive in these documents will be making a unanimous consent request pistol into the export control act and make a unanimous consent request to enter the documents on the list into the hearing record. This list includes the export control documents theyve reviewed all these documents on both lists and with i would ask unanimous consent that they be disclosed pursuant to the code. I want to reserve my right to object. The reason for doing that is we have had at least two that i can remember noting the industries and that includes maritime, transit, you name it and they would love to have th
Weekly news commentary and features from the editors of the Wall Street Journals editorial page. Weekly news commentary and features from the editors of the Wall Street Journals editorial page. Investigators will be trying to figure out the motive based on what they have seen so far. The fbi says they do not believe this was a Terrorist Threat and they do not believe theres any additional criminal activity associated with this. Another major issue, authorities will surely look at is security access, the fact that could happen at all. All entities will do what they call a hot watch, they will review incident and look at all of the things happened and look for the holes and why employee had access to aircraft and try to determine where it was broken down and with that theyll be able to strengthen the system. Former dhs officials spoken to fox news today say at this Point Mental Health seems to be the primary issue when it comes to this situation. The challenge on this particular case as