Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The CBI on Monday filed an FIR for alleged misappropriation of funds by a former working president of the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha (DBHPS) in Dharwad, officials said. India News | CBI FIR over Misappropriation of Funds in Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha-Dharwad.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. First Lady of Sri Lanka, Prof Maithree Wickremesinghe honoured Dr Sujata Seshadrinathan, Director of Basiz Fund Services, with the Women s Entrepreneur of the Year award for the SAARC region at a ceremony held under the aegis of the Women s Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Sri Lanka. Dr Sujata Seshadrinathan is a software, finance, and accounting specialist who has created automated technology solutions and products for accounting applications in the fund business, as well as Legal Tech. Business News | Dr Sujata Seshadrinathan Receives Women s Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the SAARC Region.
Researchers are working on a Covid-19 vaccine that people may drink instead of receiving with a needle, expanding their focus onto mucosal vaccines, which include nasal vaccines as well as "swish and swallow" oral vaccines. Researchers Working on COVID Vaccine That People Can Drink; Increased Focus Onto Mucosal Vaccines.