remember, the difference between trump s second time running, trump lost. nixon won. won with a subversion of the democratic electoral process. and the history needs to be learned and relearned. new generations need to know what happened. also, the important thing to look, both nixon and trump, both crimes began with undermining the basic principle of democrat sick free and fair election. they both set out to and the premiere tonight, the first episode is this week, the two remaining episodes next week. i can t let you go yet. i want to hear your expectations for this week s january 6th committee hearings.
it s been 50 years, what is the enduring journalistic lesson from watergate that everyone needs to remember? that ownership matters. catherine graham, the publisher and owner of the washington post during watergate had all the backbone in the world and stood by us. she also was a very tough woman. after nixon resigned, she wrote us a personal letter not on stationary, but on yellow legal tablet, i think carl has the original, dear colin and bob, now nixon has resigned. i will quote her don t start thinking too highly of yourselves. you did some of the stories fine, but i want to give you some advice. the advice is beware the
movie of all the president s men even more than the book, it illustrates the point. we go out at night, knock on doors, people slam the doors in our face. we go to the next door. we keep going. the sources don t materialize out of nowhere. we try to make those sources. good reports for the last 50 years, particularly during the trump presidency, have gone out, made those sources, gotten the information, and put it up to the test of the best obtainable truth. you have a new piece today, what is the new message of this new foreword to the book. that we had nixon, and carl and i thought that would be the last president that would do all of the things against the constitution and the law. then, as we say, along came
segretti hired and paid 22 dirty people to play dirty tricks on senator muskie. if you look at the history, it s stunning, for $250,000, nixon and his team got the person, nixon in 72, wanted to run against. not muskie, because he was strong, but george mcgovern. the idea that the leader of one party, let alone the president, would undertake a criminal covered program to say, let s find something i can beat, and nixon found him and did it. it s an appalling history of somehow we let this man we let this man take over.
i was down interviewing trump right before the 2020 election. he ran videos of people watching congress, senators watching him give the state of the union address. and he said, see the hate, see the hate, when people were just listening. what we need to divest or slough address individuals and in the political system, if possible. what is interesting is where the hate toolk them. such a level of criminality that we had never seen, and now we see again through the piston of hate, a level of criminality in trump s white house, perhaps even exceeding nixon s, and then we see this essentially difference as to where the hate