Amid escalating attacks from Israel and Gaza, Rodrigo Duterte, former Philippine President, has suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu crush Gaza and turn the Hamas-controlled territory into the 'world's biggest cemetery'. , World News, Times Now
The Gaza Strip, a narrow strip of land located on the Mediterranean Sea’s eastern coast, plays a pivotal role in Israel’s geopolitics. It’s hemmed in by Egypt to its south and Israel to its north and east. More than 2 million people live in the territory. Hamas's capture of Gaza led to an Israeli air, sea and land blockade, and conditions in the territory have worsened for years. , World News, Times Now
Microsoft's 3,000 employees in Israel are directly impacted. The company listed the resources the company has to offer help to those affected., World News, Times Now
Waze’s wrong and dead-end direction issue for some United Kingdown users now has an explanation. Waze explains its wrong direction issue, which sometimes even leads its users to dead-end roads.