buiinldg a bett beray area, moving forwardfi, nding solutions. this is c ab7 news. rrlay: thanksor f joining us, i am lar bryeil. isten: i am krteisn sze. a deadlyho soting inan s frciansco, a m aanrmed whit a knife shot. rry:hi ts happened afat ith and lsfoom. at 8:05 this ficers rpoesnded to calls at this hot relegarding m aan with a kne.if office mrsade ctaonct whit a spsuect and at let asone fired. ff oicers reernded aid and mmoned miceds to the team ensce. us spectas w tenak to the hospitalhe wre he di.ed residents of the buiinldg were shocd.ke i was like, wthahe t hell happened at mylo bck?
gunshot wouldn t have been. whoever was there was very busy for a significant amount of time, perhapses a minute. yes, at least that. and tells you something that this isn t just a casual strange coming in to rob him or whatever. you get this type of overkill when there is a relationship between the two people. they know each other. around one of them s really ticked off at the other. casual stranges being caught in the middle of a robbery or something will just shoot you you or stab you long enough so that you will be dead. they don t keep stabbing you after you are dead as happened here. greta: in terms of trying to determine what came first the chicken report the egg, the gunshot or the knife shot, i thought it interesting in the schemeatic of the wounds on the hands there are not a lot of defensive wounds on the hands. i would have expected more defensive wounds than that which means that i think he died rather quickly rather than
gunshot wouldn t have been. whoever was there was very busy for a significant amount of time, perhapses a minute. yes, at least that. and tells you something that this isn t just a casual strange coming in to rob him or whatever. you get this type of overkill when there is a relationship between the two people. they know each other. around one of them s really ticked off at the other. casual stranges being caught in the middle of a robbery or something will just shoot you you or stab you long enough so that you will be dead. they don t keep stabbing you after you are dead as happened here. greta: in terms of trying to determine what came first the chicken report the egg, the gunshot or the knife shot, i thought it interesting in the schemeatic of the wounds on the hands there are not a lot of defensive wounds on the hands. i would have expected more defensive wounds than that which means that i think he died rather quickly rather than