world. how about going to? hannity anthony fauci grilled of the hill, and as always, his memory seems a little off. take a loof.k. i why was it so important i the virus not have started in a lawatersb? why was it so important that?ow the virus not we don t know. we know is important someone in the biden administration, so much so that the top people much at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressurfacebookaskingel to downplay the lab leak theory ? and guess what? we have dr.. rand paul, senator rand paul, he actually has the actual smoking gun emails. he put paul, in his book. anyway, the once drunk with power, dr. fauci a skirted accountability for years while gaslighting the american people every step of the way. but a free pass that might soons be oveoor. d we ll check in with rand paul. that s coming up. also tonight, wells , mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to this new report, the biden administration, they just
me on the street saying, what s going on up there? and i said, all hunter biden st nobol like, all right, is that for the cocaine? y knowno one really knows what o about, but they know about the bidens. they know the power and they know about hunter s. a lot of theknow tham. d jurors talked about the sweetheart plea deal that collapsed. they kne eart a plew about that. you know, ari, unlike president trump, i can t think of a more favorable venue. what miranda is describing m heo for somebody with the last nameh biden to be in that courtroomm n in delawarde. w i you know, sean, i m very m much a traditionalist. i want deeply to believe in our. legal system. what alternative do we have if the legal doesn t work? you just throw up your hands and say there is no justice in americab your. i don t want to be like that. but it s increasingly clear that justice t lik dependu on what judge you get and what venue you get. it may not depen get d much t on the facts of a case in thisce matte