Neighborhoods, the smartest people who work for you in your staff, they all live in the same neighborhood. Whether theyre black or white or asian. Theres this book written, theres a test if you are part of the new elite. The new elite are corporate executives, really quality lawyers, doctors and because its now at the point where it is meritbased, whether youre part of the elite, weve kind of forgotten about ordinary americans out there. And so, its like, it drove my boys crazy. It had them take the test in the book and it said, have you ever been on a Factory Floor . Were you raised in a neighborhood where over 60 of the people Didnt Go To College . If you get a chance to go to starbucks or mcdonalds for coffee, where do you go . Do you know anybody who has whole milk if their refrigerator . Because Everybody Else has skim milk . Elitist. So part of it is that its
understandable, the good news is, its based on Merit Advancement in many cases now, but the bad news is that these folks w
of the track tea and if i m late. she doesn t really think she s going to get o of here, does she? beice. she s new. hello! is anyone there? rrr! wow. even from our stanrds, you ok awful. oh, sweee, what hpened? girl: ? my fencky gotto talk to this supute y, and iriact like ias t jealous, but so tl and the out nowhere, this concte brier juoped u maybybitas a semi. you mean youere iving? yeah. i mean, i know the whole ey thn but this was a super important text. maybe you ve to kn becky. texting? gat. and i m a really, really fast texter, it sn even a big deal. actually, hashe text me back yet? [squishing sound] wow, i get, i wonder y haveewi-fiere. this ple.