Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20161025 23:00:00

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Neighborhoods, the smartest people who work for you in your staff, they all live in the same neighborhood. Whether theyre black or white or asian. Theres this book written, theres a test if you are part of the new elite. The new elite are corporate executives, really quality lawyers, doctors and because its now at the point where it is meritbased, whether youre part of the elite, weve kind of forgotten about ordinary americans out there. And so, its like, it drove my boys crazy. It had them take the test in the book and it said, have you ever been on a Factory Floor . Were you raised in a neighborhood where over 60 of the people Didnt Go To College . If you get a chance to go to starbucks or mcdonalds for coffee, where do you go . Do you know anybody who has whole milk if their refrigerator . Because Everybody Else has skim milk . Elitist. So part of it is that its understandable, the good news is, its based on Merit Advancement in many cases now, but the bad news is that these folks who were the people who are not the salt of the earth, theyre the stuff that makes everything grow. And theyre capable of so much more. Thats why i think our focus on free college education, our focus on making sure that theres child care and get women back in the job market. Our fox on things that are just basically simple fairness. Minimum wage. I mean, people want to know that we really do my dad used to have an expression, chris. He said, i dont expect the government to solve my problem, but i expect them to understand it. Let me ask you about the things that mr. Trump, who you want to beat up, because you do, i know you do, you said so. Mr. Trump comes out there and Doesnt Annknow anything about politics or have any ideology, but he jumped on these issues. Illegal immigration, trade relations, which have cost the Manufacturing Base in this country, and wars which have cost the lives and the arms and legs of their kids. Because its not the elite were talking about that are fighting these wars. Its those people were talking about from pennsylvania, western pennsylvania. So he comes on and grabs these three issues . Why were they available to him . Why werent the democrats figuring out these things . Theyre open to him. Well, by the way, they were available to us. Thats why barack and i ended these two wars. Were still engaged, but were not talking about spending 10 billion a month. Were talking were not talking about 200,000 people, 170,000 people in a war zone. They were available to us. And we were talking about making sure that we take all the actions in the world trade organization. We brought more actions against unfair Trade Practice than any administration has. And a lot of people like my son went to war, and came back war heros. And what we did is, thats why we focus so much on military families. And so, but, look, when people have been really everybody liked beau. Well thank you. Thats nice of you to say. Its true. I do. But, anyway, trump comes along, for example, you never heard me criticize the tea party. And the reason i didnt is because a lot of people are scared, beat up, and what happens, they lost a lot, and what happened during the Bush Administration and the great recession, and theyre angry. And so theres two ways to deal with it. And people go out and you find a scapegoat. And it had to be because of the government. I remember we were running in 2008 a woman standing on a chair at a corner with about 100 other people saying, dont take my medicare. Isnt that funny . They think government Isnt The People who created medicare . So i think when youre appealing to peoples fears and anxieties, you can make some gains. But the end of the day, i think youre going to find, ill make you a bet, that in the state of pennsylvania, a significant number of those noncollegeeducated white women and men vote democrat before this is over. The reason im involved in this, what you were talking about, i was reading the Washington Post, everything youve ive been thinking, Bobby Kennedy when he died, his trains coming down through jersey to pennsylvania and washington. And you see white guys. A white guy with a dirty face, saluting. Thats right weve lost that gut connection, i think, with the working people out there. We have black support, the democrats do, the liberals do. But this is gone. This salute to the Democratic Party. How do you get that back . You can do it, i think. Because you have to talk to them. You have to engage with them. You have to go and let them know that you understand their act anxieties. Look, when barack the president picked me up coming from philadelphia in 2009 to go down to be sworn in, thousands of people were along the track in delaware. There were those white guys in hard hats, saluting. And because ive always i get it. But i think we got to the point where a lot of local democrats took it for granted. And look, the other part of this is, you know, i may be mistaken, but i think after sam nunn left, im the last guy in the senate that got a majority white male vote in their state. But again, a small enough state write paid attention. And by the way, i get overwhelming support in the africanamerican commity. Ive seen it. Overwhelmingly. Let me ask you about the downside of trump, the danger side. It looks like hes losing, you know more than i know, but if he loses, Election Night is sort of predictable, say he carries ohio, maybe. Maybe its close in florida, but he loses. Pretty clearly secretary clinton wince with a pretty strong electoral victory. Its obvious she won. And he says nothing or he says, they screwed me, they rigged this thing from the beginning. What will be the danger and how would you as an elected official be able to deal with that . How are you going to bring back the public with his 38 or 40 . Well i think that youll only have lets say if he gets, god willing, 38 to 40 of the vote. I think at least twothirds of that vote knows its not rigged. Youre going to have people, though. You always have them. Whether they whatever their background, who are going to believe its rigged. I saw an interview on, i think, on msnbc this morning, before i took office. Good habit. Well, yeah. But i saw a guy standing there and he had all these trump signs and they said, are you going to vote . They said, how are you going to argue its rigged . He said, its a rigged system. Im not going to vote. Its rigged. Look, weve always had that element in every election. The difference is, weve never had the head of a great party saying that it is rigged. But i really dont now, what would be a problem is if, in fact, is if you have a gore, you know, bush election, god forbid, and he says its rigged if he were on the short end. I dont often agree with charles krauthammer, but he wrote a hell of an article about how fragile democracy is and you cant play with it. That should be disqualifying in and of itself, what hes saying. You got elected at an incredibly young age, and you know what lick life is. No ones had your run, if you put it lightly. People are still extremely generous. They are fair, and you know, i think people can tell, you know, not about me, but i think people can tell whether when someone says something, whether they mean it. Yeah. I think they can taste it. They trust you. Your numbers have gone up since you havent run for president. Oh, its amazing. By t way, you guys never gave me credit. They were up before i ran for president. But youre booming now. Is that a lesson there . Dont run for president . If i had known that, i would have announced every two years i wasnt running. Okay. Let me ask you about the world series. Sure. Now, youre a phillies fan, so does that make you a National League fan . A cubby fan . No, im a phillies fan because theyre in philly and i want to sleep with my wife. Shes from willow grove. We know this. She hails from willow grove. Oh, god, is she a philly fan, any sport. I know youre not supposed to say who. Im an American League fan. Really . Howd that start . The yankees . Scranton and the yankees. Everybody in scranton is either theres not many phillies fan in i know about that. Thats how i was raised. My grand pop was a great athlete, went to santa clarita, played football and i was raised on the yankees. Despite the nomination of the National League growing up, all those years. Despite. Despite it. Despite San Francisco and l. A. . Im so old, i remember bob feller. Early win i remember that, four straight. The best the indians had the best winning record with 114 games. And they lost four straight, to the giants. Leo deroacher and those guys. Remember deroachers comment . He said, better to have lady luck on your bench than skill. My grandfather youd to say, its better to have both. Lets think about that tonight, mr. Vice president. Thank you for your time. And well be right back. Youmart sav. Still here in pittsburgh. Coming up, reaction to my interview with Vice President joe biden as he and the president look to help Hillary Clinton into the white house and perhaps protect their own legacy. Plus, donald trump says the polls that continue to show him trailing, in some cases trailing badly, are phony. Thats his word, yet hes touting endorsements that he claims he has, but hes never gotten. They dont exist. And a new prediction from the cook political report. It says democrats could pick up between five and seven seats on election day in the u. S. Senate and win control of the senate. Its all coming up this hour, when hardball comes back. [rockusic playg] [mus stops [record scrat] announcer dont let e. Colimos. Anstimated 3,000 americans die from a foodborne illness each ye. You cat see theseicrobes, but they m be there. Soalys sepate raw meat from vegetables. Keep your family safe foodsafety. Gov. You cat see theseicrobes, but they m be there. Welcome back to hardball. That was, of course, Vice President Joe Biden Sliming actually, slamming well, perhaps sliming as well, Donald Trumps selfdescribed Locker Room Talk in miss interview with hip today. Well, moments ago at a rally in florida, trump responded to the Vice President s words. Did you say where biden wants to take me to the back of the barn . Me. He wants to i would love that. I would love that mr. Tough guy. You know, hes mr. Tough guy. You know what hes mr. Tough guy, when hes standing behind a microphone by himself. Thats what hes he wants to bring me to the back of the barn. Oh. Some things in life, you could really love doing. Our nation has lost and by the way, if i said said that, theyd say, hes violent, how could efdone that well, in our conversation, Vice President biden spoke about how democrats and some republicans to a lesser extent have lost touch with the White Working Class of this country. Here it is. We dont associate with their difficulty anymore. And its almost like, like somehow, theyre in good shape, but theyre not. Theyre not. The fact of the matter is, those people were talking about built this country. They built it. And they are smarter than we give them credit for. Theres almost like whats happened in both parties, is theres sort of a yielding to pedigree. Yeah. You know, the guy who goes to penn state, University Of Delaware and the guy who goes to yale or penn. The guy at yale or penn must know more. Joining me right now for their reaction individually is robert costa, National Political reporter at the Washington Post and howard fineman, Global Editorial director of Huffington Post and an msnbc political analyst and katie packer is a republican strategist, formerly with the romney campaign. Ill leave the pugilistics aside for a second here. Robert costa, ive never heard biden lay this out so clearly. The fact that we have this meritocracy gone bankrupt, where only the people at the very top academically are given any consideration by the democrats in terms of policy. He speaks with personal experience, it seems, for a guy who went to University Of Delaware for example, about this almost britishstyle system, if you didnt go to oxford or cambridge, dont talk, were not listening. Its a fascinating interview, especially at this political moment as democrats look at the map and they wonder, in places where trump has been popular in the industrial midwest, can they make some gains . Can they connect with these aggrieved voters who look at globalization and are unanticipate, are frustrated with the economy. And biden made the point that is not just about policy and ideology. Its about the vernacular. Its about making a visceral connection with these voters that have been left behind. Well track David Patrick moynihan, one of our heros, when he talked about this loss of support among the white working class, starting way back when Bobby Kennedy was killed. Its been gradual, but persistent. Theyre turning away from the Democratic Party, which they view as culturally elitist. Your thoughts . First of all, chris, dont leave pittsburgh without having a cut of minhios pizza in squirrel hill. Thats my number one thing to you i went to pizzi rola in mark square no really bond with the Working Class this pittsburgh, youve got to do that. Two days before the pittsburgh in cleveland, i spent time going to the counties around the city of cleveland, talking to those very white, Working Class voters were discussing. They feel screwed. Its not about the language. You know, its not about learning how to talk to them. As joe biden said, these people are not dumb. Theyre feeling screwed. And theyre feeling screwed by trade policy, which, by the way, wasnt just a matter of the Bush Administration did, thats what the Clinton Administration did. Theyre upset about immigration. And illegal or undocumented immigration, which they feel is taking their jobs. Theyre concerned about Big Money In Washington and the fact that their voice is not heard. Theyre concerned about terrorism. They feel that they are part of another country and its not theirs. And i think a lot of that has to do with policy. Joe biden hit some of it, but he by no means hit all of it. And i think to and i felt back then that trump was going to win ohio and i think he is going to win ohio, because of the decimation of industrial ohio. Thats real and thats happening. Well, you put your name on that one. I think ohio is the one that im watching, is a statement. Even if trump gets blasted away other places, that is one hell of a statement for him to carry a significant state. Katie, your thoughts about this . Were talking about the cultural and economic disconnect between Democratic Leaders a to the highest level and voters who have turned away from the Democratic Party, starting well a couple of decades ago. They have started moving away. I think theres been a real cultural shift, where theres a sense that theres kind of this elitism, within the Democratic Party. But when it comes to trump, its very easy to speak to the anger and frustration of these people that have lost jobs, that have seen their communities collapse, because businesses have left. When you dont have a plan thats accountable to anybody. Its very easy to say, were going to fix all of this, were going to fix immigration by building a wall, were going to have good trade deals. But to not have any coherent plan that anybodys able to challenge you on well, whos got one . Yeah, katie, whos got a coherent plan . If trump doesnt have one, name the other people who do . What are democrats saying to people in ohio . What are they saying to bobby caseys people in pennsylvania . They may not like those individuals, but they dont like the National Democratic tea party quite as much. Right. Can i also say, chris, in talking to those people there and in other states, i think they know that donald trump doesnt have a plan. And theyre almost looking to trump as a kind of bell to ring in the night. Its a protest vote. And frankly, on trade, hillary doesnt have anything much to say. She says she wants to well, the only thing i would challenge on that is, they may not think he has a plan, but they have bought into this idea that hes been very successful. Hes got a big plane, hes got all these companies with his name on them. So hes succeeded at things. So they are putting a fair amount of trust in him to deliver on some thing. Let me go back to robert on this. Robert, theres a reason this is a good, important topic to get to. Theres economic disconnect with the establishment. The only way you can explain people voting for donald trump is not his personal behavior, not his lifestyle, not that hes been caught up in this audio with Access Hollywood that certainly has hurt him. Its despite that. Theyre not voting for him because of his misbehavior, theyre voting for him despite his misbehavior. Therefore weve got to get, if you care for politics in this country and democracy, youve got to figure out what is it that may cause40 of the people in this country to vote for somebody, who many believe is disqualified personally by his personal reasons. I think were all hurting the country if we dont learn a lesson. Why would you vote for trump . Its not trump himself. Something else is moving this. For many of these voters, chris, hes disruption. Theyre not voting for trump. Theyre not even entranced that much by his biography. Hes disruption to the institutions with, the media, government, corporate america, institutions that they believe have failed them. And that the problem for both parties right now is that this dynamic is likely to continue, past november 8th. The democrats who went for Senator Sanders in the primary, who are unhappy with trade and immigration and the economy, they continue to be there. The trump voters continue to be there, even if trump goes back to maralago. And just to show how dangerous this is in terms of protests, back in 1992, not a million years ago, when bill clinton was elected, 19 of this country voted for ross perot, who was certifiable. 19 voted for a guy who was uneven in his thinking. Lets put it that way. Now, 38 are going to vote for trump, probably, at least. So double we have doubled the number of the protest vote in this country against the establishment. Thats whats going on. Howard, last thought . I was just going to say, if you can get somebody who comes from that part of the country, who is a regular guy, the way joe biden is a regular guy, and get them to use social media to raise the money to run, and not be a billionaire ross perot, not a billionaire donald trump, thats the thing to look for the next goaround in president ial politics. Lets stick with that thought. Pardon me. What, katie . Maybe ben sasse. Okay, thats your guy from the state of nebraska. Well be right back with robert costa, howard fineman, and an early pusher for ben sasse. And our night of Vice President ial discussions continues tonight. By the way, 9 00 tonight eastern, join Rachel Maddow as she interviews tim kaine, whos running for vp and could well be the winner already, head there had, already. And at 11 00 eastern, Brian Williams sits down with mike pence, his opponent. Is so were bound to get their next Vice President and were covering all the bases tonight vp wise. When we come back, why is donald trump talking about polls he calls phony, and at the same time, hes talking up endorsements. But actually he doesnt have those endorsements he says he has. This is hardball, the place for politics. Welcome back to hardball. After meeting with Law Enforcement and First Responders in st. Augustine, florida, yesterday, donald trump tweeted that hed received the endorsement of the st. Johns county Sheriffs Office. But as it turns out, the Sheriffs Office did not endorse trump, as he had claimed, clarifying on twitter, quote, comments have been made that sjso has endorsed a candidate for president. The Sheriffs Office has not made any official endorsement, closed quote. Trump later spoke about it in a Tv Endorsement and boasted that he had received the endorsement of every Police Department and a conceptual endorsement from the u. S. Military. Here he is. When we say first responder, were talking about sheriffs and talking about all the people having to do with the sheriffs department, but were also talking about the paramedics who are so important and the firefighters. And we had a fantastic meeting with some of the folks pretty large group of folks. And theyve endorsed me. Endorsed me, fully. Ive been endorsed by virtually every Police Department and police group and ive been endorsed largely, conceptually, at least, by the military. But as nbc news Fact Checkers point out, none of that is true. The Department Of Defense has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides. Trump does have the endorsement of some retired are military figures as well as some unions who are engaged with Law Enforcement. Were back with robert costa, howard fineman, and katie packer. Katie, as dezi arnes used to say to lucy, explain. Whats the point . The only explanation that i can come up with is that every military guy he talks to endorses him. But im Get Geuessing the peopl that dont like him dont come and talk to donald trump. Its delusional behavior. Is that the delusion that allows him to believe that every time he goes to a rally and theres 10,000 people there that hes carried the state . Theres no excuse for it. Its not based on evidence or actual endorsements, but its certainly reflective of Donald Trumps personality, a marketer, a real estate developer. Hes he has a tendency to brag. Howard . Well thats well said. Chris, i just want you to know, i have so many conceptual pulitzer prizes. That im going to give one to robert, so well, give them all away. You can have them all. You deserve them this year. This conceptual. Anyway, in a photo op with his staff at the doral hotel down in florida, today, said that all his employees have a problem with their health care because of the Affordable Care act, because of obama. Lets listen. So were going to repeal and replace obamacare. And i can say all of my employees are having a tremendous problem with obamacare. You folks, this is another group. Is that a correct statement . I mean, you look at what theyre going through, what theyre going through with their health care is horrible, because of obamacare. Now back to planet earth. But later, trump told reporters that its his company, not obamacare, that provides coverage to most of his staffers. The General Manager further clarified that 95 of trumps employees at the hotel are not on the obamacare exchanges. So how do we explain that, howard, that hes blaming obamacare for not being involved with obamacare . Well, he doesnt care. Hes not disciplined enough or able to focus enough on the most elemental details to be able to do the slam dunk on obamacare. Here the headlines are, rates increase by 25 . A lot of people think that obamacare is imploding, all right . That theres a legitimate argument about that. Instead of making the clean kill on that, to mix my metaphors, donald trump doesnt even bother getting the facts straight about his own businesses. I mean, its sloppy and almost disqualifying in and of itself. Its like, he knows hes not he seems to know hes not going to win. Hes kind of mailing it in here, going around the couple the last couple of weeks. Its even worse, even sloppier than usual. The great radical activist, tom haden, just died the other day and he once accused in a primary campaign im sure you know about this, he accused his opponent the democratic senator of Dating Teenagers. And when he said, give us one example, he said, i cant, but its metaphorical. Hes metaphorically dated teenagers. Thats like conceptual. Whats that mean . Metaphorically Dating Teenagers when youre in your 40s . Your thoughts . Ill leave that one on the shelf. But i think what were seeing from donald trump is a candidate who has delved into a conspiracy in the past. He has dealt in falsehoods and exaggerations. And right now, most republicans in the senate and house races, theyre seizing on the Affordable Care act issue, trying to say, this is something they can run on, in spite of all the thunderstorms around trump. Trump himself, is taking on the issue, but isnt making a large coherent case against it. Well said. Thank you, katie packer for joining us. Please come back again, howard fineman, as always, and robert costa. Up next, democrats are getting more confident theyll not only win the white house come next month, but take control of the United States as well. That will be a big double win. Up next, youre watching hardball, the place for politics. When yourelose to the people you love, es psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching ment . Ifou have morate tsevere psoriasis,ou can embrave, the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you chance at completely clearkin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant provement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out o10 even achieved completely clear skin. Not use if you are allergic to ltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your ri of inions and lor your ability to fight them. Te yr doctor if you are being treated for infection or have sytoms. Or if you have receiveda va. Including ening of symptoms. Seous allergic reactioncaoccur. Nons your chae at coly clear sn. Justsk your ctor abouttz. Nons narror Adventure Colystart is in thfost. Re but to ku i spy someing ginning with. S beetle sn. Kubo no. Beet monkey thin do with snow. Na He Outdeo Discoverncredible Animals Andto create an ts unfoettable adventure. Kubo wow annarroreate an ts so grab uroved oneure. Monk nt even. Narrator and explore a world of pbilities. Bocome on, this way. Narror visi discoverereforest. Or to find e closest forest or parko you. Democrats are poised to make gains. They classify illinois and wisconsin as states already leaning democrat. Meanwhile, they call florida, indiana, missouri, new hampshire, North Carolina, and pennsylvania tossups. Lets bring in the hardball roundtable, jennifer duffy, Michael Steel is msnbc political analyst, former chair of the Republican National committee, and david corn is an msnbc political analyst and Washington Bureau chief. I want to start with jennifer, because youve generated these numbers. And i have a sense in your headline, poised to take, how confident are you that they will win a net four, the democrats, to take control of the senate if hillary wins . At this point, im very confident. Were already giving them two. Illinois and whisk, which means that out of that tossup column, they need to win two more. I mean, thats pretty achievable. But when we look at the numbers, when we look at states where trumps numbers have dropped, weve seen republicans numbers dip not nearly as much, but weve seen them dip as well, its not hard to see how they get five, six, seven seats. On an issue, how biden started tonight, i was kidding around with him with the boxing gloves, because of that thing he says, and he said it very passionate, lewant he wants to fistfight with trump, and Trump Racketed to it, over the issue what trump was recorded of saying, is this one of those outside variables that jumps into a campaign and jolts it in One Direction . Absolutely. Republicans were really holding their own before that. They were running their campaign pretty separately from trump. They werent really tied to him in any way. We saw very little evidence of what is being called the trump drag. Now, it didnt happen overnight, but since the tape emerged, weve seen those numbers go down, weve seen the generic ballot tests, would you rather have a republican or a democrat in congress . Weve seen that number slip some for republicans. So, i really consider the tape a turning point. Let me go back to david corn. Aside from philosophy, left versus right, ideological warfare, is this one of those weird things im convinced that its become something that the average voter, who may not be that philosophically directed left or right says, wait a minute, is that Somebody Running for president talking like that . Your thoughts. Well, i think it was a very decisive moment. And it came at probably the worst time in the election cycle, the Election Campaign cycle, just as we were getting towards the final debates and when people are really focusing and trying to make a decision if they havent made a decision. So i think it really clarified the type of choice that voters face, and the type of man and person that donald trump is, and that was so negative. It does reflect on the whole republican party, and it put people like kelly ayotte, whos up for reelection in new hampshire, whos a vulnerable republican, really in a terrible position, and you see her state on that map there, because, you know, she cant run from trump at that point, although shes trying. But its a little bit too late. You know, michael, it looks like he was trying to im looking at it a million times like Everybody Else, that tape, it looked like he was trying to impress belilly bush. Thats looked what it was trying to do. I think thats what its two guys talking, jock crap. And thats what but he wanted to impress how tough he was. Come on, michael. No, hes admitting doing something. Hes not just bragging about ocourse making that point, thats how he tried to impress him. Look, were just talking about two guys in a trailer talking crap. Talking trash with each other. And so, yeah, that was a defining moment in a very real way, because we got exposed to it. We heard it. And i think for a lot of women out there especially, that was kind of the final connection that they needed to break off, you know, the relationship, if you will, with the republicans and in particular, this nominee. Okay, jennifer, what did woman hear . I think if they listen to it four or five times, which was easy to do, its been on a million times, they heard not just trash talk or locker room. They heard a guy describing physically what hes done to women, with total strangers. Well, exactly. It went from trash talk and trying to talk a big game about, you know, about his prowess with women, to actually describing it. And i think that is what turned a lot of women off. I know that we were talking about senator kelly ayotte. I think that that was her breaking point. Shed been frustrated with him, you know, the party was asking her to stick with him and she just said, enough is enough. You know, i have a daughter. I dont want anybody talking about my kid like that. But she did not do that at that point. But she had just called him a day or two before a role model, despite all the other misogyny that hes demonstrated and exhibited. I mean, i know that was the final straw, but there had been a, you know, a hay wagon full of straw up until then. Yeah wing most men, when they talk among each other after a few beers or ten beers, its more in wonder at women, jennifer. Its actually honesty, magically amazed by who they are and who they can be to them. Its just astounding. Ive never heard this kind of talk. Well, if they talk like that. I think i think not to be too romantic, they think about what they love. The roundtable is staying with me and up next, these three will tell me something they love. I think were doing that right now. This is hardball, the place for politics. Listen to me i am captain of the track tea and if im late. She doesnt really think shes going to get o of here, does she . Beice. Shes new. Hello is anyone there . Rrr wow. Even from our stanrds, you ok awful. Oh, sweee, what hpened . Girl . My fencky gotto talk to this supute y, and iriact like iast jealous, but so tl and the out nowhere, this concte brier juoped u maybybitas a semi. You mean youere iving . Yeah. I mean, i know the whole ey thn but this was a super important text. Maybe you ve to kn becky. Texting . Gat. And im a really, really fast texter, it sn even a big deal. Actually, hashe text me back yet . [squishing sound] wow, i get, i wonder y haveewifiere. This ple. New poll numbers in some key battleground states, for that, we check the hard bard scoreboard. Starting in arizona, scoreboard. A new monmouth poll shows trump is holding a lead over Hillary Clinton. The Real Clear Politics average has clinton in 3d by about a point. Thats very close. Next to North Carolina where a new poll from the New York Times and Sienna College has clinton out, this is big time, to a sevenpoint lead. Clinton 46, trump 39. Last month that poll was tied. And he needs North Carolina. In minnesota clinton leads by 8 points. Clinton 47, trump 39. I cant believe North Carolina and minnesota are the same. Who would have believed it . Rs cmersho have been impacd will be fully refunded. Cond, well proaivelsend you a coirmation for any ird,for our retail bankers. T card salegoals open. To ensure your interests are put first. Were taking action. Were renewing our commitment to u. [chains dragging [cickets chirping] [owl hoots] sparks from drggg w ains n cause a wifire. Anthat could bscary. Bye, smokey onlyou can preve wildfires. So this tells you a significant pool of republicans that the internal fight is just warming up post trump could run next time as well. What do you think, when he loses this time, he runs next time . That would be good for everybody. Lets go to jennifer. Im going to stick in the senate. In Russ Feingold of wisconsin is successful on november 8th and hes favored to be, he will be the first senator since 1934 to avenge his own loss. Wow. Wow. Thats interesting. The count of monte cristo. Here he comes. I spoke to a Top Republican strategist here in d. C. Just a couple days ago. He says reporters always come to him before elections and say, tell me about the republican civil war thats going to come after the election and he always says, no, no no, were going to be fine. Time he says theyre right, im wrong. Its going to be bloody. Something to cover next year. Jennifer duffy, Michael Steele, david corn. When i return my Election Diary for tonight with two weeks to go before the election. Ndistinct nversatio announcer a full le measured in seats car ashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13. Learn how to Prvent Deathsand Injuries by using t rig car s st foyour cld age and size. Upgrade yo pho stem and Learhow Yocould save my Sit Squlodown with joe biden pittsburgh tells me that at least one democrat understands the trump phenomenon. While others look down their noses, the longtime senator from delaware gets it. He sees their failure to connect with the voters. Theyve driven the majority of White Noncollege educated pennsylvania vote toers line up with the new york billionaire which is what were seeing in polling right now. Hes winning among those people, trump is. Biden talked about what he calls the pedigree problem. Anyone at the top views anyone as not an ivy leaguer as below consideration. How the party has forgotten about ordinary americans out there how those people are smarter than theyre given credit for. Hes got something here. 90 of White Noncollege graduates voted for bill clinton in 2012 that sunk down to 29 . One person who saw this loss of the White Working Class voters early on was former United States senator moynihan of new york who wrote in 1968 right after Bobby Kennedy was killed n a word the people of south boston should be on our minds as those of roxbury or bedford stiv es ant. Theyve been abandoned. Four years later moynihan talked about catholic voters. He said the White Working Class should be a base on which to build not to abandon. Even in the high office of Vice President , joe biden born in scranton hasnt either. As my old boss tip oneill used to say, he hasnt forgotten where he came from. He knows and shares the sentiments of those ordinary people who feel theyve been abandoned by the Democratic Party they themselves built. And thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in nobody should want to wake up on november 9th and wonder whether there was more you could have done. Two weeks out, hillary rallies and trump keys off

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