Backing the Kolkata police amid claims of crowd chaos at KK's concert, actor-turned-TMC MP Deepak Adhikari said that it is "out of love for the artiste" that people come to attend their programme in large numbers. "If the police has to count the number of attendees every time, they will have to stop all rallies too, and not just the musical soirees," he added.
KK death: Bengali singer Rupankar Bagchi deleted the Facebook post targeting late singer KK after he succumbed to a massive cardiac arrest in Kolkata. At the press conference, Bagchi said he never imagined that he will be subjected to such widespread trolling for a comment.
KK death LIVE updates: Police have registered a case of unnatural death and started an investigation. As a part of the probe, officers have spoken to the hotel authorities and scrutinised CCTV footage.