- you know what? that looks like fire! - comedy without black people would be like the nba without black players. (kevin screaming) - your biggest, biggest superstars in comedy have been black. (eddie yelling) - just genius and hilarious. - yeah, i said it. (audience cheering) - the chappelle show redefined sketch comedy. - i m rick james, bitch. (audience laughing) - in living color set up a platform for black comedians blowing up. - i don t think so. homie don t play that. (audience laughing) - arsenio hall was, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. it was groundbreaking. - [audience] woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. - you had a black man willing to fight the power. - nice being out of jail. (audience laughing) - laughter is healing, laughter purifies the air. actually i don t like to talk about the races, because i m white. - and we, as black people, have been doing it forever. - i am, this is a freckle. (audience laughing) - all black comedians discuss race. - it s harder being gay than i
and then they get spike lee to film the show. it makes like another $100 million. so it s this runaway success. - i ve had three black people over at my house. if you know how many niggas been over at your house, you racist like a mother (beep). (audience laughing) - i think the king s of comedy tour was a game changer because you were seeing something that you d never seen before, harvey, cedric, bernie, and d.l., you talking about four heavyweights. - i said, where you going? he said, to get some milk and cookies. (audience laughing) he said it so funny, i wanted to hear it again. i said, get some what? he said, some milk and cookies. (audience laughing) - so at the same time, this happens in 2000, over on hbo, dave chappelle does killin them softly. - oscar, you are so mean. isn t he, kids? - he talks about race, you know, poverty, stuff like that. - he s like, bitch! i live in a (beep) trash can! (audience laughing) i m the poorest mother (beep) on sesame street.
to sort of fill that void. - you know, they wanted chris to do network. chris wouldn t do it. he knew he couldn t do it five days a week and keep the high level of quality that he wanted to do. - and here we go, hbo to the rescue. - chris rock was able to like, wild out on hbo. he had that one sketch where he s just slapping people. like that doesn t sound that controversial, but other networks, they d be like, whoa, we re not showing this. we re not showing this. - [reporter] as you see here, davis enters the building, and within seconds, the rampage begins. (audience laughing) - he s edgy. he s always going to make you think. he s always gonna challenge the status quo. - as late night tv was back on the map, the king s of comedy tour was blowing up. - white people hope things don t go wrong. black people don t hope, we wish. we wish a would be a mother (beep) would be in our shit. (audience laughing) - they do this arena tour that sells out all across the united states,
and keep the high level of quality that he wanted to do. - and here we go, hbo to the rescue. - chris rock was able to like, wild out on hbo. he had that one sketch where he s just slapping people. like that doesn t sound that controversial, but other networks, they d be like, whoa, we re not showing this. we re not showing this. - [reporter] as you see here, davis enters the building, and within seconds, the rampage begins. (audience laughing) - he s edgy. he s always going to make you think. he s always gonna challenge the status quo. - as late night tv was back on the map, the king s of comedy tour was blowing up. - white people hope things don t go wrong. black people don t hope, we wish. we wish a would be a mother (beep) would be in our shit. (audience laughing) - they do this arena tour that sells out all across the united states, and then they get spike lee to film the show. it makes like another $100 million. so it s this runaway success.
- i ve had three black people over at my house. if you know how many niggas been over at your house, you racist like a mother (beep). (audience laughing) - i think the king s of comedy tour was a game changer because you were seeing something that you d never seen before, harvey, cedric, bernie, and d.l., you talking about four heavyweights. - i said, where you going? he said, to get some milk and cookies. (audience laughing) he said it so funny, i wanted to hear it again. i said, get some what? he said, some milk and cookies. (audience laughing) - so at the same time, this happens in 2000, over on hbo, dave chappelle does killin them softly. - oscar, you are so mean. isn t he, kids? - he talks about race, you know, poverty, stuff like that. - he s like, bitch! i live in a (beep) trash can! (audience laughing) i m the poorest mother (beep) on sesame street. - you would catch yourself gut-busting laughing, but then being like, damn, that s true. you know what i mean